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no image displayed on tv when powered on

When I plug the system up to my tv and turn the power on nothing displays on the tv screen. I've tried the system on a couple of CRT and and LCD TVs and it will not display anything on any of them. I only have one cord to test with so I am unable to rule out the cord, but the cord is brand new. I have opened it up to make sure the power board was plugged into the main board, and it was, and checked to see if there were any leaking capacitors and as far as I could tell none were leaking it bulging.

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1 件の回答


It sounds like your A/V Cable is DOA, or your A/V port is either DOA or dirty. Take 91% or higher rubbing alcohol and put some in a spray bottle spray the cord just a little on its connectors, and spray the A/V port just a little. Tilt your console back on the ports and sit it against something solid like a cabinet. Let the rubbing alcohol flush the ports and dry (takes less than 5 minutes). Then plug the cable into the port and make sure your TV is on its A/V channel. That should solve your issue.


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