ZTE Maven soft buttons not working PLZ HELP!+

Hey guys plz can someone help me. I have a ZTE prepaid GoPhone from AT&T. recently I downloaded a Cocoa Puffs Launcher app from Google Play needless to say my phone started acting up I started deleting files and somehow I deleted maybe too much I don't know I'm not tech-savvy like that and I was reading online that you can do what's called a root for your phone some say it's good some say it's bad do I do a room with my phone and can I do it with my phone cuz it's a go phone I'm just worried I guess they say the bricks up or something somebody please help me what do I do like take the chance and try to download some app and do that what the BEST decision WITH BEST OUT COME IM MOT TECK SAVY BUT IM FADT LEARNER...and I can't live kindI don't attention I want to know what else I can do if I do do a route from my phone so I can I get extra things I don't know plz help!!!!!!!!

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2 件のコメント:

Dear Angie - I do not understand the question please help me figure out what you are saying. What it sounds like you downloaded something and your phone went crazy and you deleted a bunch of stuff. Please answer me I am trying to help. :)

Sincerely, Cody


My phone did the same thing . but I lost it for A couple days so needless to say it was deadvdo I charged it now my three bottom buttons don't work. I've factory reset and still nothing please someone help.

