
2013年11月22日に発売されたMicrosoftの第三世代のXbox ゲームコンソールです。

20回答 すべてを表示

Why won't Xbox One turn on after optical drive replacement?

I've recently replaced my optical drive, following all steps from this guide, and opening up the old and new drives to switch the PCBs. Upon installing the new optical drive with the old PCB soldered and connected up, I tried to turn my Xbox One on, but it won't turn on.

When pressing the front panel buttons, there will be noise from the speaker, but it's much more quiet than usual, but that does mean that there is power. Based on other forums/videos I've seen, it shouldn't matter whether or not the new optical drive works, for my Xbox One to turn on, so I don't think there's an issue with the optical drive preventing it from powering on.

I've taken it apart at least three times now, I've tried swapping the PCB back into the original optical drive and plugging that in there, but that also didn't help, same issue occurred.

Do you guys have any ideas what the issue could be? I'm fairly confident it doesn't have to do with the optical drive, and I'm fairly confident that all connections are secure, but I've not worked with Xbox Ones before, so I could be wrong.

Thanks for any help!

Edit: Here's a link to an imgur album with images of this: (http://imgur.com/a/6xIvj)

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There is a good chance that you just tore the ribbon cable that connects from the front faceplate to the rf module/board. It also could be that it's just misaligned. The best way I've found to install the faceplate and top cover for Xbox One's is to put it on the edge of your workbench then work under it. That way you have better access to the ribbon cable and connector.

That's what I would check first. It’s unlikely that you did any other damage to anything just replacing the disc drive. If that’s the case, maybe the problem is unrelated and you should try the solutions in the Xbox One Won’t Turn On wiki just in case.

I hope this helps.


スコア 1

4 件のコメント:

I considered this. If memory serves, at one point when I was removing the top panel I applied too much pressure, ripping the ribbon cable out in the process, but there wasn't any visual damage to it, so I figured it was fine. I tossed this idea away when I saw that the speaker was working, so I figured that there must be some connection between the front buttons ribbon and the front button panel, but on further consideration there could be some connections that aren't working. Do you know if I can somehow try to power on the console without using the front button, or at least bypassing the front ribbon or panel? I figure if it turns on while bypassing the buttons/panel then it's one of those two things and I can purchase replacements cheaply enough.


I'm sure there is a way to power the console on without the ribbon cable but I don't know what it is. We always just replace the ribbon cables on these if they are messed up.

Keep in mind too that the ribbon cable could just not be aligned correctly too.


Tronics. I have a similar problem but my xbox has not been tampered with. All I get is white light beep and then nothing -fan does not kick in or any sign of life. I can keep touching the power touch but it just does the same over and over. PSU light is orange and then momentary white at same time as unit. Any ideas?


@Paul Unfortunately these ones that go orange and white are tough...some of them can be fixed by replacing the southbridge chip but not all. Sometimes it some other random component on the motherboard as well. Sorry I can't really help you more than that...it's not a fun problem to have.



This same thing happened to me.

I got a new disc drive, took the board out from the old one and added it to the new drive and all that, put everything back together and start it up…and it makes a faint power on sound but doesn't start up.

I tore down my Xbox all the way down to the motherboard and examined all the contacts and nothing looked wrong. I also thought maybe I damaged the front ribbon cable, but then I tried to jump the pins of the ribbon cable socket and it was the same result…a faint beeping sound.

I decided to try to turn it on with just the motherboard and the fan connected…and it powered on perfectly. I then decided to power it on with just the hard drive connected…it powered on perfectly again. I then plugged in the disc drive and tried to power it on….faint beeping but no power.

So I realized it had to be the disc drive…I opened up the disc drive to discover that like an idiot I hadn't attached all the cables! I attached the one I didn't have attached and all is working now.

TL;DR - Check the connections inside the disc drive! Maybe this is your problem. Hopefully this helps people who have this same problem down the line.


スコア 2


This fixed my issue!! Apparently the power cable for the optical drive was reversed, despite the plastic pins matching the socket. Wow!



I’m having the same problem. I tried replacing my optical drive but in the process I ripped the sensor ribbon. I’m waiting for a new one to come but my Xbox has no power and the light is orange. I’ve stripped it to the bare mother board. I’m not got going to diagnose anymore until I get the part. But I’m thinking it’s a NCP 4204. That’s the power control IC chip. I would check that and the mosfets. Definitely make sure the board is getting power. Everyone cross there fingers and try it out. I’m not saying remove or destroy your board just do some tests.


スコア 1

What as happened has that your xbox can't hold too much power after the repair. You need to get a new cable which connects the mains connecter socket to the xbox. Try down a electronics repair shop.But if it doesn't work, I am not responsible for damage to your device..


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2 件のコメント:

Hello, not entirely sure what you mean. I assume you're talking about what's shown in here (http://imgur.com/a/hbtdT), but I'm not sure how that factors into this, since I didn't touch that, or anything near it during repair, nor are there any wires involved there. I assume this is what you meant with the cable that connect the main connector socket to the Xbox, though there isn't a cable, it is the connector for the power to the Xbox One device. It looks fine, though I can't see anyway of testing it with a voltmeter, nor do I want to take it apart to test it, risking further damages.

If that's not what you're talking about, could you possibly include a link to an image or to a page where it's being sold so I can see what it is you mean?

Thanks for the help!

Also, I'll add a link to an imgur album with pictures of my Xbox One's insides if that'll help.


I think just because it is an Xbox One, you're better off taking down a repair shop

. Just is case, something goes wrong.



Did this ever get resolved? I have the exact same issue after a drive repair


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I had my O.G running with no CD Drive in it. Wifi chip fried, Cooling fan running at 100% and it kept up with the trends. Compared it last night to friend's O.G and mine almost booted x2 faster.. Faster menus and gameplay etc. If it Powers on then off is your HDD cables… wiggle the connectors when powering on… I cleaned under my heatsink today for the first time since ‘14 or so says man. Date..removed CPU. Did everything like you should , And my power brick is on with an orange light and now i have no response from my console… no beep… no light… Brick just stays orange..did power cycle… I'm lost…. any idea, its all i have?? Cant afford a repair shop


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When I changed my cd rom drive. I had to unsolder the daughter board from old drive to new one. Little circuit board, hard to miss. Hope that helps


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