
モデル番号A1419 / Late 2012 / 2.9 & 3.2 GHz Core i5 or 3.4 GHz Core i7 プロセッサ

330回答 すべてを表示

The fan is at 0 RPM.

My fan had suddenly stopped working (I think), and it showed 0 RPM in all diagnostic apps, but fan diagnostics say that the fan is working normally. Still, I replaced the fan with one I bought on eBay, used but apparently tested. Nothing happened. It still shows 0 RPM and the fan isn't rotating. Temperatures go high and it slows down (Mac) or shuts down (Windows). So, do you know if it could be any software problem, or logic board problem, any way to test it? This is really annoying as I can't use it for multitasking at all.

PS: Resetting SMC didn't help.


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スコア 1
4 件のコメント

What was the diagnostic tools you used to see what was happening?


iStat Menus and SpeedFan


I've had problems with iStat in the newer systems. You may want to give TG Pro a try. But you do need to make sure you remove the others first.


I was wrong, it is TGPro. Speedfan was the one in Windows which btw didn't even recognise the fan.



1 件の回答


See if you can over-ride the fan using TG Pro. Are you able to do that? Do you hear it running at full blast?

If not you'll need to decide if you want to fix the system your self or allow Apple to do it for you. I would try Apple first as the newer 'Thin series' iMacs are much harder to open than the older generation. Many people have damaged the display assembly just in the process of opening the system which can be an expensive mistake. Apple might even do it for free under warranty at their Apple Store!


スコア 2

3 件のコメント:

The override/manual control didn't have any effect. And as I already mentioned in my question, I already have replaced the fan, the one inside that isn't working now is not the stock one, it's a different one. I had to replace the hinge too, I managed to do it successfully, didn't break anything, it is not as difficult or dangerous as the warnings say, but you do need to be quite careful.


I forgot to buy Apple Care, so no hope of Apple repairing it. I already replaced the fan and put fresh new adhesive strips, I have no intention of opening it again. So, I just want to know if it can be a software glitch? Can I hope that I can get the fan to work without replacing the fan or the logic board?


Sounds like you got a bad fan unit when you replace it.




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