Why is there no sound coming out of my phone?
When I try and watch a videos on my phone there is no sound coming out of the speaker.
What can I do to fix this?
I really would like to hear my friends singing happy birthday to me.
When I try and watch a videos on my phone there is no sound coming out of the speaker.
What can I do to fix this?
I really would like to hear my friends singing happy birthday to me.
There are several problems that could lead to this. First and foremost, we need to check if your sound is on. To do this, while in the video press the topmost button on the side of the phone. This should trigger a display on your phone to show that the volume is going up.
If the display shows, but there is still no sound, make sure there is nothing in the headphone jack that could be redirecting the sound. This means that you can't have any headphones or charms inside the jack, otherwise the sound will be directed through them.
After trying both of those things with no luck, try to see if your speaker works at all. With the ringer volume all the way up, have somebody call you and check if the ringtone makes a noise. If not, the speaker is most likely the issue and should be replaced.
For further help try looking at the Troubleshooting page here: Galaxy Alpha Troubleshooting
Weirdly I had this problem for several days but just fixed it. I decided to follow the advice on this page and take out my battery and check for water damage. No damage I could see. I put the battery back in and turned phone back on and low and behold sound now works. Weird but very pleased now!!!
took your advice breeiejo. took out my battery to check for water damage. No damage I could see. I put the battery back in and turned phone back on and low and behold sound now works. So relieved! Only had it a couple of days.
Turning off Bluetooth fixed this pesky problem for me...thanks for ideas
I had the same as Breeniejo - just took the battery out and placed it back in and it works !
Thank you for helping me resolve my issue. I am not a WIZ when it comes to technical issues on my phone, nor my computer. I sure appreciate it.
i had this problem and it turned out my bluetooth was on and connected to a random nearby device
Resrart, removed battery & put back to reset, turned off bluetooth.... bluetooth remedy fixed it ( barring drops, etc)
Dolby digital plus had my sound muted. Restarted Dolby digital sound in Settings, Sound.
It turned out to be a blue tooth issue with me as well. I have a lot of blue tooth items in my home. I disconnected and all went well. That explains why I get sound at work but not home.
I hadn't had this problem until today. After checking all the sound settings I swiped down the phone's screen and noticed that Bluetooth was on. Turning that off let me hear the audio on videos on Twitter, thanks.
I don't have any sound on my phone at all I have checked for Bluetooth that is off don't know what to do apart from through the phone out of the window
please check if hands free is enable in your device that means headphone jack not responding according to hardware connected or disconnected.
The taking out The battery thing worked. ☺
Take out your battery. Worked for me and several other people have commented that it has worked for them, as well
What if you have a built in battery
I cant see how i can take out the battery?
You can power off the phone which will correct system errors and power on again and When the samsung logo appears , press the volume down button till the phone opens and safe mode is shown downwards . Safe mode will help you because it turn off third party apps cache data .
Thanks very much @ghjjhb for your advise, my phone is working normal now. Much appreciated
Worked for me as well! Thanks!
This worked for me, thank you so much. You've saved me a whole lot of trouble
It went silent again, tried everything but it's still not working. Help plz.
I already reset my fone but its sound still not working..i cant removed the babttery because its built in
If you have recently updated your phone or flashed a custom ROM, it might be because of that. Try to do a factory reset of your phone, or wipe and reflash to the stock ROM.
Also blew into my headphones jack a couple of times and poof. After a week of struggling updates and everything it just worked again
i have fixed it! for me, it was that my phone thought that a 3.5mm jack was plugged in. the solution is: https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai...
I can hear people when they call but they cant hear me and also when I take videos there is absolutely no sound that comes from my phone I dont know what to do please help
Same problem how can I do to fix A30s
I was watching a video on my sumsang phone and then all the sudden my phone goes silent and I do not know why . WHAT DO I DOOOO?
same here, my speaker just stopped working while i was watching a video. SOMEONE HELP
My Nokia 5 s sound jst disappears…no sound for audio, video,music but I hear whn someone calls me but whn I turn on my speaker th is no sound…whts wrong?
how do i get sound to hear phone calls
@Missy Presgraves
I was watching videster and my I dropped I had on charge and it suddenly stop working
What do I do
My tecno C9 suddenly don't work on sound. Please help solve this
My problem was with Google Apps. I noticed a headphone icon on the phone and knew it had not been there long. I knew I had several new Google app icons as well. Once it was removed, the telephone audio returned and the headphone icon is no longer present.
How did u do it please
Hw did you do it pls, my phone is having same issue
My phone was fine yesterday I slept and woke to my phone saying no setwice and there is no sounds. Help mensure! !!
one of my friends had the same problem. no sound from his samsung a5 2017, no media, neither ringtone and call. i found he was turned a switch on in accessibility, mute all media sounds. and all the usual sound switches and keys didn’t work any more. i turned it off and it worked correctly.
my phone thinks theres a headset or speaker paired but there isnt. it happened randomly whilst watching video and the link somebody dropped didnt work for me. someone help?
My phones video settings default to mute, meaning my received video has no sound
It's the do not disturb button on the phone & that's why the volume won't work,u have 2 turn off the do not disturb button & the media sound will come back on.
My phone is a Samsung A70. Not really a solution more of a temporary fix. For me whenever I received a call while earbuds were plugged in my audio would stop working entirely and when adjusting volume the symbol would show that it is adjusting fine and that its not using the phone speaker as the symbol that appears when using a wired earbud was being shown. I never have my bluetooth on so I ruled that out as being the problem. My audio jack port was also fairly clean so I doubt that was the issue. Based on the fact that it gave a problem only when receiving a call made me think it was software related, maybe the phone was getting confused on where the audio should be sent because of the phone call resulting in it not working at all almost as if it is connected to some magically non-existing audio device. After reading some of the comments here I see that we all have the same issue but for different reasons. In the end my solution was simply restarting my phone, it worked perfectly fine after the restart but the following day I was watching a video with earbuds in and someone called me through an app which did not cause and issue however later the same person called using the phone app and it caused the audio not to work again. No clue on the cause but restarting your phone should be your step 1 for a quick temporary fix.
Check your phone’s volume, ensure it's not muted or on Do Not Disturb. Restart your phone, check audio output settings, and inspect the speaker for debris. Test with headphones as well.
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Check that your phone Volume is Up, that your phone is NOT on Do not Disturb or Silence, and make sure your Bluetooth or any other Casting is turned Off.
Ana Polacek さんによる
There is no sound coming out of my phone at all!
It's really stressing me out...
I have turned on everything but still no sound ARGH
candice yockey さんによる
Please help me my Samsung. J3 when some one call me i can hear when my phone is ringing i cant even look a video on my phone
carolbroer さんによる
candice and @carolbroer you need to follow the advice given in the answers section or start your own question. this problem has been solved.
pollytintop さんによる
Yes, see the previous ansawer and I would also add- go into "settings" and check the "sound". Slide the "volume" to the right to increase, especially for "media".
Ana Polacek さんによる