My panasonic viera plasma tv wont switch on
can anyone tell me why my panasonic viera plasma tv wont switch on ive checked the timer and its not that please can anyone help its doing my chuffing head in ...linda
can anyone tell me why my panasonic viera plasma tv wont switch on ive checked the timer and its not that please can anyone help its doing my chuffing head in ...linda
Here's the owners manual Panasonic VIERA Plasma Users Manual looking on page 18 this is what it has for this condition:
"The TV has gone into shutdown mode to protect itself. Try unplugging it for a few minutes and connecting it again. If there was a temporary power surge on the AC line it may now be OK. If the blinking returns, call 1-877-95-VIERA (U.S.A.) or 1-866-330-0014 (Canada)"
Yeah, what a stupid answer. I come here to find "gold" this answer is like worse than tin, it rates with an aluminium can. My empty cat food tins are more valuable.
@jp2802 use this link to ask a question about your particula device. May be somebody can give you an answer that will help.
My volume cuts off i unplug it then plug it back in and it works for a while then it does it again
Robert Landrum use this link to ask a question about your particular device. May be somebody can give you an answer that will help. Right now it is hiding here as a comment to somebody elses answer.
Happens to me every time power cut or even just unplugging it. I leave it disconnected at least 24 hours. More time may be required. After reconnecting, it has always worked. It does not seem to matter what the cause of the power disconnect was. My unit is 32" Panasonic.
Mine does the exact same thing, i hate this tv!! And its doing it right now and nothing seems to fix it
I have the same problem with my tv how do i fix it please can anybody help please
I have to leave it unplugged for a week to 2 weeks once a year when it shuts off—then it has come back.
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8 件のコメント
grubblinda, do you have any indication that your TV gets any power? Any blinking LED's? What have you tried?
oldturkey03 さんによる
No encuentro el diodo T2D 63, parece un diodo Zener o Schottky, fast o barrier diode, ni sus detalles en data sheet, no aparece tampoco, para reparar mi Panasonic Viera plasma de 42 pulg. TH-42PD60x, por favor, si alguien puede ayudar, lo agradecería.
Rolando Gomez さんによる
Mi TV Panasonic Viera plasma de 42" no enciende y da 10 flashes con el led rojo y los repite cada momento y no enciende. Encontré este diodo que no marca de ambos lados, fue medido con el multímetro fuera del Power board PTDA3911... Alguna sugerencia acertada o importante para encontrar este Diodo, aparentemente Zener, de control de voltaje y de rápida respuesta. Hay otro diodo similar con el negativo color banda azul cerca de este y marca 0.165 con el medidor puesto en medidor de diodos. El que necesito tiene la franja negativa color rojo.
Rolando Gomez さんによる
I have the same issue..... I don't know how to get it solved.... Its very annoying
selvakumarr さんによる
selvakumarr exactly what issue do you have? Same make and model TV? what have you checked?
oldturkey03 さんによる