
2014年9月19日に発売されたiPhone 6の修理情報とガイドです。モデル番号 A1549、A1586、A1589。

20回答 すべてを表示

Proximity sensor not working after iPhone 6 screen swap.

Hello my Ifixit Friends.

Changing the screen on a customers Iphone 6 and I can't seem to get the proximity sensor working. I've taken it apart 8-10x now, ensure that the plastic "holders" for everything is positioned correctly and that the proximity sensor is dust free. It just doesn't work..

Front camera works, the light sensor works. (Auto adjusting brightness) everything except turning the screen off during calls...

Any tips? :)

P.S: All componets appear to be fully functional and I have no other screens / parts to test with currently.

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スコア 19
9 件のコメント

I used to have issues all the time, Then i changed up how i pull the Proximity Sensor out, and have done 100's over the last 3 months with out a single one not working, and no i didn't need tape or heat. The way i do it, is to take your tweezers, and place it right between the two cubbies that divide the proximity sensor and the other sensor up. and gently lift it out of that cubby. After that is free i take my pry tool and slide it under the speaker microphone. If it doesn't slide under it easily, i stick the pry tool under the rubber housing, and remove the whole rubber housing that the speaker microphone is stuck down to. I have bent them kind of good some times trying to get it out and have cause no damage. I believe its just all in the technique you use to pull the prox. sensor out of its cubby its stuck down in, and i also transfer the little plastic frame that holds it in place. Hope this helps everyone out.


Can u please upload a brief photo shot or a short video.i am having the same issue on several occasions.


i have this issue as well and the phone gets hot around the earpiece after a while battery seems to drain fast as well screen has a wite cloud like line under the earpiece and can only be seen on white pages earpiece has a low buzzing as well p.s. i also noticed the front camera is kinda foggy could this be water damage top portion of screen is kinda sticking out of the frame please help!


jou definitely have stucked the camera flex cable under the metal heatshield on the backside of the panel, i know it seems like it should get there, but it should sit right on top of the shield

greetings niklas


Hi, please help me. I have a 6+ my front camera is not working now. When I switch it from back camera to the front camera, it flips then go back to the back camera. I put the new screen with working camera on my phone. Nothing changed. I am not sure if the solutions about work?







Hello my Ifixit family.

After having repaired quite a few Iphone 6s now I've found a solution to the most common problem with the sensor.

While extensive testing I found out that the light leakage is caused from inside of the phone. Simply adding a piece of electrical tape between the internal speaker/camera where this is a large gap stops the light from the LCD from reaching the sensor, which is the problem. (Note, this leakage can easily be tested by making a voice memo, changing the speaker in the top right so that sound comes through the internal speaker and put a tape piece/something dark over the sensor on the front side of the screen. Then take your free hand to the internal part of the screen and cover up areas until you find the leakage. :) )

I take a piece of electrical tape, double over it (so both sides are sticky, so to say) and place it over the ESD protection of the battery contact. When you place the screen down the tape covers the hole perfectly and I've yet to have a problem with a sensor flex since.

I hope this helps some one!


スコア 9

14 件のコメント:

Hi, Can you provide a photo of where you put the tape exactly? Thanks


Hello, I will as soon as I'm back at work on Tuesday. :)


Hello! Please don't forget to add the photo! Thank you!


Here's the pictures of OUR stores normal "leakage" spot where we place tape.


However, the leakage may vary. I had another problem today which was on the opposite side of that of which it's normally on.

The circled area is the entire area you need to ensure is "tight" so that no light leaks into the area.


Please note, the Iphone 6 in the picture is a water damaged phone that is irreperable. We are aware of the water damages you may see in the pictures. ;)


Unfortunately any of your solutions did not work. I called my supplier (they are refurbishing the lcd's) and he told me it is caused of the wrong placed proximity plastic stuff.




Thanks to all who contributed. I had similar issue with the proximity sensor on iPhone 6s. The ear piece heats up and sensor fails to switch off the screen . I replaced the complete screen from another iPhone 6s with has faulty a board and it's works perfectly. I tried interchanging the sensors. The sensor fails to work on the new screen . The sensor works/screen goes off when I placed my finger on top of the screen but not on the sensor.

Most at times Sensor is not the problem.

Problem : Screen ( most of the screens are the cause)

Solution: Quality Screen / New Sensor


スコア 3

Hello every one,

I would like to say that I solved the problem by changing out the sensor. The parts I'm currently using for Iphone 6 are original, so no worries about quality. I have no idea why/what caused the old sensor to stop working as I inspected it very closely with the new part I bought and they were identical.

However, after several hours of changing back and forth I deemed the old sensor broken and replaced it.

Thank you for your tips reguardless and I apologize for my late reply. :)


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:


read my blog man ... keep the old sensor its just timing out, its not faulty.


I'm not sure what you mean by timing out. Are you suggesting that I take it out, save it for later and switch it with a new one?




The solution works for me!


スコア 2


what did you do?



You lot are just about to love me to bits, because I'm going to save a !&&* of a lot of money and grief.

I've checked out the sensor and the cause of this problem and it's none of the answers above.

If you look carefully at the old screen, left behind is a double sided foam where the prox was.

What's happening is as you lever the flex out, no matter how carefully, the foam pulls on the prox such that it damages either the solder connection, or the leads of the actual device.

If it's the solder connection, a quick all round with a rework wand or possibly soldering iron will remake the dry joints and get you working again.

If the leads have broken, game over sadly, you'll need to replace it.

The theory of putting tape around it and it then working isn't to do with light, simply that the tape is putting pressure on the joints and they work again.

Prevention is better than cure though right?

Just before removing the flex from the old screen, simply heat the front top of the glass until it's too hot to touch, be careful not to melt the flex leads!

Leave for 30 seconds

Gently pry the prox out. The foam is now soft, it'll give way easier, making it less likely to damage.

I'm here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress ;)


スコア 2

3 件のコメント:

can you provide a photo? I only see glue residue, no foam.

The biggest issue I've had with the proximity sensor on iPhone 6 (and 5/5C/5S) is that is breaks off from the flex cable if I'm not careful enough. Sometimes it seems like it's already broken off when I simply touch the flex cable. The plastic holder for the sensor just doesn't want to let go go of it.



Surely there is no foam in the 6 and 6plus. I've encountered two different solutions to the issue:

1. Replace the flex cable because it's damaged.

2. Relocate the sensor or fix the bracket with a bit of glue to make sure it's in the right spot.

Sadly I destroy too many flexes, so I aways have a few in spare.


Hi, please help me. I have a 6+ my front camera is not working now. When I switch it from back camera to the front camera, it flips then go back to the back camera. I put the new screen with working camera on my phone. Nothing changed. I am not sure if the solutions about work?




This issue happened with a 6s I was repairing and the only solution was to replace the screen. We spoke with our supplier and they said some manufactures have a proximity sensor issues with the 6s screens.


スコア 2


On iPhone 4 this problem occurs often when the screen quality is not good and the sensor filter on the screen lets too much light arrive on it.

Did you try with the broken screen again to see if it doesn't come from the quality of the new screen ?


スコア 1

I've repaired over 200 iPhone 6 screens since the beginning of the year. I still contend that the front camera/front mic/proximity sensor flex cable is extremely fragile and that extremely slight bends, pressure, etc. will damage it. The main part of the cable that sits directly under the ear speaker (when installed) is very stiff and I believe that the copper wires inside really don't want to be tweaked in the slightest. The best method I've found to remove it and not damage it is to use an iSesamo tool (because it's the thinnest) and insert it under the main part of the cable. Position the tool so that it's corner matches the corner of the flex cable (see photo). Then place the finger of your free hand on top of the flex cable and hold firmly while you very gently, pry straight up with the iSesamo. Your finger will help keep the cable from bending while you pry up. The goal is to lift the proximity sensor out of it's hold and then go back and pry the hold off separately. This is different than a 5/S/C where you can pry in a way that keeps the hold attached to the proximity sensor when you remove it. The new problem I have run into with the iPhone 6 is that apparently the front mic can test just fine immediately after the repair and a few days later it stops working. Replacing the flex cable fixes it immediately. I'm not really sure what causes this to happen but I'm trying to be even more careful when removing this flex cable.

  • I (think) I uploaded the photos but it doesn't seem like they are posting.


スコア 1


What is front mic attached to? is it part of the proximity flex?



That's why you need to heat it up.

Some don't have foam it seems yes, but all have adhesive which has to be softened up. It won't rip the sensor off then, it just kind of turns to goo and it slides away.


スコア 1


an amazing tip I will now implement in every repair. i just assumed the plastic holder was to blame, i didn't even think the sensor would be glued down as well. thanks Neil.



hi there. there is a fine solution.

1.just jailbreak your device.

2.insert some repositories

3.search "activator"

4.and install it.

5.go that app

6.select "in application" mode

7.goto status bar activations...

8. select "tap the status bar" or as u wish

9.and then select lock screen


make a call..., while just tap the status bar... sure it is work :)


スコア 1

Was the screen replaced due to water damage ?


スコア 0

I had an iPhone 5S that I changed the screen on, due to water damage - the screen I bought was also apparently a genuine Apple item and I had no reason to dis-believe this.

Everything worked on the phone apart from the prox sensor that turns the screen off when it's against your face.

Reading through these sorts of forums, I doubted the screen and tried various fixes without any success.

I then bought a new £5 front camera, loom and sensors and they worked straight away.

Moral? It's not always the screen! And next time, buy the pre-assembled one which had all the parts on but was £50 and not £25. Would have saved me a lot of time and grief in hindsight.


スコア 0

I have replaced about 8 iPhone 6 4.7" Screens so far only have had 1 original proximity sensor work after replacement. To fix the issue I have had to replace the Front Camera and Proxy Sensor Flex Cable. Replacing this fixes the issue. As stated above by another user, No idea why this happens, I have tried Screen replacements with the Battery disconnected and connected and makes no difference.

if anyone has any more info would be much appreciated. Thanks


スコア 0

I agree that this is because the replacement screen assemblies let too much light through the prox sensor hole. The aftermarket prox sensors are probably less sensitive, which is why they are working. Something to try that worked on older iphones: use a piece of black tape (or scotch tape sharpied black) and poke a very little hole in it. Then place this over the prox sensor window on the phone assembly. Haven't had the chance to try this but will later this week...


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

I know what you are talking about but in this case I believe something else happened, we here in our store think we had a dodgy batch of iPhone 6 screens initially. Because I tried putting the sensor flex back on the old screen and testing it and it stopped working on the old screen as well as the new one. I even tried putting my finger over the sensor while it was attached and still nothing. We have done another 15-20 since my last post and not one has had an issue. We also changed supplier for screens after my last post.


Who do you get your iPhone 6 screens from?



Hi, everyone, I blogged about this issue and posted an answer. you can read it here:sorry i can't be bothered to type it again. Hope it helps.


スコア 0

== Hello.

I too have had the same problem, but I solved without having to replace the proximity sensor. In practice, in addition to the filter "white" that should be removed from the screen original, must be added also the filter "reflective" that is used on the proximity sensors of iphone 4 and 4 / S ==


スコア 0

Problem is %100 Antistatic issue you have to unplug battery before unplug screen cables also sensor cable .


スコア 0

3 件のコメント:

Tried that, doesn't work. Also what does 100%100 mean?


i mean %100 antistatic problem when you open first time you should unplug battery if still does not work check sensor holder and try hard reset its gonna be work !


I will try next time I have an issue, and let you know. Although one of my technicians I know has had success with replacing the screen with battery still connected and had no issues with proxy sensor (and rarely does, only 1 so far 50+ screen replacements). Thanks



After I have glued the speaker grid back not just put back the problem solved.


スコア 0

i have the same issue! i try to put tape on the screen but not work... all of sensores works fine, but the proximity not work!

i try to press on front on the screen and it works on some times.

i put black tape between display and sensor, and it not work...


スコア 0

Another person here with the same issue first time I attempted an iPhone 6 repair. Upon extremely close examination, even though I was quite careful, the flex cable was damaged upon the removal of the proximity sensor, and aside from not working, the proximity sensor would get VERY hot when you put the phone up to your ear. Tape did not work.

There is also another piece that doesn't usually come new iPhone 6 screens that could be easy to miss and cause light leak. Directly adhered to the speaker earpiece mesh is a black plastic cover that needs to be removed from the old screen (which you can do by pushing out the mesh from the front of the screen and separating it afterward.) Here it is pictured on the bottom (yours wont have the red tape on the corner) The piece will clip into the mesh on your new screen, that is of course if your new screen even came with a mesh.

To prevent issue, use extreme caution when removing that ribbon cable from the old screen, make sure you don't lose the rubber piece over the ambient light sensor, and the previous recommendations of the iSesamo tool, along with carefully heating the front glass by the earpiece are great. Overall, I fixed my first shorted out one with a replacement flex cable, since I didn't want to bother with micro soldering of the leads / flex cable copper wires, and I haven't had a repair not work since.

TLDR: Proximity sensor is probably broken, buy an aftermarket replacement on eBay for $8 and be extra careful.


スコア 0

Has anyone tried using a black marker to cover up the sensor? I know it works in previous versions of the Iphone but I'm not exactly sure on if it works with Iphone six. Has anyone tried this?


スコア 0


Doesn't´t work for me



Guys.. I have a strange problem..my proximity sensor works if i place a piece of cloth in front of it. ( and the cloth need not even touch the screen)..

But if i place anything else, be it my a plastic board or even my fingers on the proximity sensor, it fails to work while on call

What should i do.


スコア 0


Hi, I have the same issue! Anyone got a resolution for that? Thanks



WE blogged about this a while ago, just reuse the flex after about 2 weeks. its just a glitch in the cable. https://smashedit.co.nz/iphone-6-proximi...


スコア 0


Yesterday, after a mesh replacement I had the same problem. (The old mesh was very dirty and it was impossibile to ear other people during a calling)

I tried the scotch, another sensor, re-assemblate.

I was very careful with all and I don't think that I broke the connector on the motherboard.

Camera, light sensor, speaker..are all working great.

Maybe a phone recovery can help?

Please help me!!


スコア 0

I'm an amateur, and this is only my 4th iPhone screen replacement (have done 5/6 times on iPad as well, since iPad is that mostly used by kids).

Now, all my previous attempts with iPhone 5, 5s, and 6plus has resulted in this very issue; i.e. Proximity sensor not working.

Even for this (i.e. iPhone 6) l faced the same issue. I genuinely hoped this won't happen this time as I had took extra care.

Coming to solution, it took me close to three hours trying various things posted in this forum as well some others.

What it finally worked for me was, GLUE the proximity sensor cabin (sensor was inside that) to the proper place. I know, this might not have worked for some, whereas something else might have, or maybe none had (just as it didn't for me in my previous 3 attempts).

Nonetheless, given that this is an easy solution, and the relief that came along with, I thought to share it over here. Good Luck


スコア 0

I had this problem with a few phones I repaired.

If you are using a non OEM sensor with a non OEM screen, make two small scratch holes in the paint on the screen where the proximity sensor sits. You should clearly see light through the scratches. Always glue the original sensor holder into the correct position.

If you are using a working OEM sensor with a non OEM screen, darken the inside of the glass where the sensor sits with a black sharpie. I have noticed that the OEM sensors are prone to faults once removed so I find it better to use non OEM sensors as they are far less sensitive and cost very little.

I have not had a problem since adapting this method on 100+ repairs


スコア 0


in rebuttal, i strictly use OEM screens and OEM sensors, properly re-glued brackets and when possible re-use the VERY small foam gasket that sits within the bracket and have had very high success. little bit of heat goes a long way with re-using the foam gasket. (theres a reason Apple added this gasket)



So i work at a batteries unlimited store, of course I've been doing screens for months and never had an issue. I soon ran into a problem that had me stumped. I replace 5 to 6 screens a day and never have a problem. So the other day i did an iPhone 6 and have to switch everything from the old screen to the new screen and then ran into the problem of the proximity sensor not working. Usually we have a check list of things we check before we change anything to make sure everything works properly before and after, with the screen in the condition it was in i was unable to check the sensor to see if it was working. Switched everything over and not working so tried a new sensor and still having the same problem with it not working.....HELP!!! Mind you my customer drove miles for me to fix his phone so any answer or possible conclusion helps..


スコア 0


If you tried a new sensor, the problem must most likely come from the new screen. Have you tried another screen ? Since you repair 5 to 6 phones a day, you must have other screens, right ?




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