
Model A1418 / Late 2013 / 2.7 & 2.9 GHz Core i5 or 3.1 GHz Core i7 プロセッサ

255回答 すべてを表示

Replacement screen compatability for 2013 iMac

Can an (SD)(D1) screen replace an LM215WF3 (SD)(D3) screen? Our screen shattered and all I can find online are (SD)(D1)'s. I've been told that and D3 can replace the D1 but no one seems to know if it works the other way around.

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11 件のコメント

How did it work out?

I'm dealing with the same issue.


Well I found a seller on eBay who was nice enough to wait till he had my screen type. We will have it in a week. Coming from China. $300 total with shipping. I'll keep you posted. The seller has been great to work with too.


Awesome, thanks!


Any Updates?


So we got the screen and it works great. Only issues is there was no adhesive with it. So as of now I have my screen tilted way back until I can come up with a suitable glue for it. Oh and just a side note don't push to hard on the screen when you put it on. My husband did and shattered the corner of it. I could have killed him!! Oh well. At least it's not the entire screen like before.






Sadly, I don't think to many people have had your plight which is why no one knows the answer here.

You may find going to an Apple Store will be the cheaper way to go on this system.

Between the difficulty opening it up and the cost of the part their bench fee and parts cost I think will be lower and less stressful on you ;-}

If you still want to go for it. Give some of the part houses a call or email. Don't forget about IFIXIT here as well.


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6 件のコメント:

Unfortunately Apple wants almost $800 to fix it and I can buy a screen from ebay for $300. We took it there first. Since the housing is dented they will not just replace the screen itself. They will only do it if they can return it to "practically new condition".


Ouch! Sorry to hear that. I would be careful here, as the eBay price seams too low.


Once you do figure it out please let us know!


The screen alone from Apple was about just about $400. So I guess I'll give it a go... Wish me luck!


Any update on this? I also have the same problem and don't know if I should just buy the screen from apple or try any other sellers from amazon.





Do you have replace a LM215WF3 SD D3 Display with a LM215WF3 SD D1?

because I need a new one, and the LM215WF3 SD D1 are really cheaper.

One seller have a Description: LM215WF3 SD D1 D2 D3 and he means that is compatible.

Thank you for Help


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I assume that all of them are compatible as far as D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 goes. I see multiple sellers on eBay selling models that have the same mode number but the “D” version is different. They say they are all compatible but I still have yet to find out the major difference in model numbers.


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