
Appleはスリムダウンして性能を上げたiPad Airを2013年11月1日に発売しました。スペースグレーとシルバーの2色から選べます。カスタムA7 プロセッサー搭載しており、容量は16、32、64と128 GBがあります。

20回答 すべてを表示

solution to phantom/ghost touches ipad air

After trying multiple digitizers thinking they were defective, a few beers and some deep thought, I have found the solution to the problems we have been having associated with digitizer replacement on iPad Airs. I do not know if this works with other devices with ghost touching, but I have a good feeling it will. I wont waste your time with how I came to this solution, because I know you are reading this probably freaking out trying to figure out how to fix it. So read on.

What you need: kapton tape - i used this:


1/4" is a good thickness, you might want to try something a tiny bit thinner - 1/8 would be ideal

Tape around the digitizer "wires"? on the edge. For some reason, there are grounding issues with some digitizers. I dont know if its because they dont go through the same quality control as apple parts, and the warping of the glass may be at fault, or what. Whats even more strange is some digitzers do it, some dont. (leading me to believe they may be touching the frame where they are not supposed to). Some have suggested the cables were pinched, but i had purposely pinched the cables and it didnt cause the issues, it just made the glass pop up and not seat correctly. I have included a pic for reference. Pass it along.

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sorry for the crap pics but you get the idea. I will tape all of my digitizers from here out.

edit - all these thank yous and no upvotes? like con said below, tough crowd

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スコア 96
30 件のコメント

I want to thank you kindly for your "fix" I was about to discard my ebay purchased digitizer and bring it to apple in defeat when I came across this post.

In my case, it was the home button ribbon was touching the digitizer and somehow causing the phantom presses. I kapton taped under it (and over the ribbon just in case) as well as the bottom edge as you described and it fixed the problem.

I thought it was either a defective digitizer or that I had damaged it somehow during reassembly.

Many thanks again.

PS- if you don't have thin enough kapton tape; just cut it to the right thinness. it's not as elegant a solution but it works fine.


HOLY COW! it worked. ive been trying for days to figure out why its so random. i got two in a row and found your post. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your techy ways...


youre welcome, glad i could help


Hello, this solution worked for me. Thank you, so much


This worked absolutely perfectly. I've been dealing with this a lot lately. It seems, almost every air has had this problem. Since adopting this fix, none have had ANY ghosting problems.

You sir, deserve a cold frosty beverage, and a great congratulations.






Hi All,

What I have come across with is that not all panels are prone to this "fantom" issue.

I had compared 2 digitizers from 2 different manufacturers.

Properly designed digitizers have visible traces only on one side of the frame and all traces are covered with transparent insulator. There is no need for extra tape, they will work properly as they are.

Poorly designed digitizers have traces on all 4 sides of the frame and no insulator. Hence need for an additional insulator to work properly.

I have also used 2mm 3M tape as mentioned above to insulate all 4 sides of the frame.

Frames can be silver or gold it makes no difference.

Thanks and Regards

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スコア 10

It could be bad quality screens from supplier

Good quality screens and orignal screens have a bronze border going around inside of screen

Done about 20 screen replacements with the bronze border and not a problem yet..

But hope this fixes your issue with the tape


スコア 7

4 件のコメント:

see below, ive had same issue with bronze or gold color screens


It is an electrical short between the digitizer glass and the metal iPad frame. The kapton tape insulates the glass from the frame, stopping the ghost touching. Try and putting the tape on all 4 sides. Even under and over the ribbon.


Pedro, iPad minis are usually the home button ribbon and the lower half of the digitizer. I would concentrate on this area.

also, it would be better next time to ask a separate question not comment on someone elses comment, it makes it easier to find and answer. good luck


Does anyone know how much a uniden 7 in tablet charger would cost



I bought the tape and taped out the entire edge and now its working perfectly. I didn't bother with just an area. did the whole thing. Thanks for the help!


スコア 7

2 件のコメント:

could someone do a utube or other video that an idiot (ME) could follow?



I have found out what the major issue is if you are using a "silver" frame digitizer. These are the most common on the market that we have been finding. The problem is similar to the mini, but different is the sense that the tape you use needs to be placed in between the cables and the glass behind where the cables attach. The mini you place the tape over top of the cables so as it does not come in contact with the frame. With the AIR the same thing is needed, but additionally placed between where the cable feeds into the digitizer and where the glass on the outer edges meet it. You have to be VERY careful as to not "over bend" the digitizer cables and you must tape it AS CLOSE to the base as possible. Hope this helps... took us about 3 hours of playing around to realize.


スコア 5


Can you please post a pic?



Well, I'm not used to posting anything.

But I really feel I have to on this one...

Thanks very much for the fix, I've been trying and applying kapton tape everywhere but in the right place.

I can now resurrect the ones I thought were faulty.

Thanks a lot for that.



スコア 5


Where do you apply it where it was wrong?



If you ever come to Lisbon Portugal, please let me buy you a beer!

Worked perfectly in my ipad. You are my hero this month!


スコア 4

The iPad air is similar to the iPad mini in many ways--including the need to tape the digitizer with naoto tape to avoid digitizer ghosting. There is a loooong discussion on this in the iPad mini section of Answers


スコア 3

3 件のコメント:

Thanks for the quick response jessabthany... Unfortunately I'm still dealing with, "rather rare" ..but still "annoying" occasional phantom touching.

Since I realized that I don't have any "kaptone" tape (crez mentioned) or "naoto" tape (jessabthany mentioned)

Anyone know where I can either:

# find some locally? Maybe radio shack or somethin?

# or even better, an effective alternative? Maybe masking or electrical tape?

Thnx in advance !


radioshack might have it, the problem with electrical tape or any other tape is that the adhesive softens too much with heat. Kapton is high temp. If you are repairing 3-4 ipads a day, you really should have some on hand it only takes a couple days to receive if ordered online.


naoto tape? well done autocorrect! This is Kapton tape, sorry! you can find kapton tape on the iFixit website or any other electrical supply site. It is also known as polyimide tape.



At times I repair 3-4 iPads a day.. Never had any real issues. This iPad Airs got me stumped.. I've now gone through 4 digitizers.. This is really frustrating. I've tried everything...

'When lifted.. The digitizers fine, but when it's laid flat "something" touches the back of the digitizer and sends the device into a panic = ghost touches commence'' :(

'I noticed if you stand up the digitizer and allow "anything" to touch the back of the digitizer it causes ghost touching. Ergo: something must be touching the back of the digitizer when it's laid flat.

I thought I found an answer to this issue last week. It probably sounds complicating to read this without a picture to explain but

I noticed that the soft black cushion padding lined along the border of the LCD has been drastically decreased while cleaning the screen. (Ok honestly it's.. gone... Screens clean tho) :D

So I tried a few layers of thin strips of tape there in hopes of rebuilding that cushioned border. However..

It didn't work.. (Sigh)

I can say it works 80% better.. But it's not completely gone. It's just not acting up now.

Because I'm using it now to type this message. I think it's sensitive to pressure now.

So it's fine while I'm simply typing or web surfing.

Anyways.. Thanks crez for the suggestion I'm gonna go back inside my iPad and give it a shot

I'll let you all know


スコア 1

3 件のコメント:

The foam tape is mainly to keep dust out, not lift the digitizer assembly. By doing what you did, its just keeping the digitzer from touching the frame and grounding. Sometimes you can press around different places on the screen and find exactly where the problem is. If you really want to be as professional as possible you can purchase the foam tape online and replace it


Definitely fixed the problem.. weird O_o Cuz generally I work with better suppliers, I went the cheap route since this is my own device. I neglected to even suspect the digitizers were bad because all four had the same result AND they all worked fine standing up. Only when layed flat they freak out...

Also I found the long thread about this over in the iPad mini section. No doubt these iPad Airs are virtually identical to the iPad Mini.

Personally I think they're closer to the second Gen mini with the Retina. Considering that one has no glue on the logic board and is a little more repair friendly. Anyway....

Thnx everyone for the help. Glad I got my own device running again. I fix everyone else's devices and was completely stumped on my own... smh


ive had the same issue with the gold framed ones too, if you look at them at an angle with a reflection, you can see some are "warped" looking, not completely perfectly flat like apple screens. not positive but i think it may play a role



Do you just put the Kapton in that one area that you have it taped in the picture or around all 4 sides?



スコア 1


i put it on all 4, and do it with all of them from now on. saves time in the long run if one was to act up



FYI, I'm having this issue with the original screen which wasn't damaged in any way. It was simply defective! Apple wouldn't replace it, so this was my only option other than binning it.


スコア 1

only use original screens on the iPad and don't get this problem ,thank god!!!!! Would drive me nuts


スコア 1


no such thing they are all 3rd party reproductions



WOW, it sure does work. I first thought I had a cable not in right when I had the new screen in place, took it apart again, rechecked cables, and put back together, and there was that dang ghost again. Glad I seen this, I put some scotch tape along the bottom area of screen, and BINGO! it works great. Thank You


スコア 1


Is this how you should apply the kapton tape? All 4 sides?


スコア 1


basically, minus the crappy music. you can buy the tape in the correct width also, so you dont have to cut it to size like they were doing



I have this problem with a OnePlus 3 and am on the *second* replacement digitizer assembly ( thought the first replacement that I got was defective) with the exact same problem: a strip down the left side of the screen is completely unresponsive, and then a portion of the right side of the screen causes phantom touches on the left (ie tapping the number 3 causes a simultaneous press on the 1 so I can't even enter my pin). This happens when the digitizer is not even seated, just sitting next to the mainboard with the ribbon cable connected and nothing else touching. I'm pretty stumped. Any ideas?


スコア 1


We have the same exact problem with our Oneplus3 after screen replacement. Have you found the solution for this?



Ok Here is my question. I really dont understand whats going on. I have an iPad Mini, it is taped of with kapton tape in the right places. I have replaced the digitizer 4 times and this iPad Mini is still going crazy ghosting when the customer gets it. I'm stomped and don't know what to do. I even tried a new lcd without the fuzz on the sides. Any recommendations would help b/c I know my vendor is getting tired of all the rma's im creating.


スコア 0


Jspcllc sorry for the late reply if u need call me @ 4849033728



I added regular scotch tape along the bottom part of the screen and it worked. Ghosting stopped. Thank you for this!


スコア 0


scotch will probably work, id just be worried about the high temps and glue coming loose but you most likely won't have a problem



I'm also having this issue with our company iPad Air (1st Gen). I've applied Kapton tape around all 4 sides but was unsure from the descriptions above about where else to place the tape around the digitizer cable.

Can someone please provide some pictures if this is a solution as it would greatly help myself or anyone else with this issue.

Many thanks


スコア 0

Then buy good quality and not crap off flea bay


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

thanks for the advice


This issue happens even with ifixit-supplied digitizers. I know 'cause it just happened to me (iPad Mini 3)...



I use normal duct tape in all iPad air and ipad 4 and no problems so far. iPad 4 only do the bottom though.




スコア 0

I have had this issue today for the first time with many iPads. At first I was thinking it was pinched connector ribbons but after seeing this thread I no know it's something to do with the digitiser frame and iPad housing. I solved it by running 2mm 3m all round the bronze digitiser frame. This seems to replicate the foam padding/spacer that is in new iPads. It creates that seemingly essential gap required, much like on the iPad mini where the base of digitiaer needs to be taped over to stop ghosting


スコア 0

Does anyone know the thickness of these screens which are playing up and the thickness of the OEM quality screens which don't / original screens when taken off? I'd like to know, as in my head I'm sure this is a factor.


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

all iPad Air screens have the potential to ghost. I have never noticed any measurable difference in screen thickness. For me, the 'tell' of a quality Air digitizer in addition to the gold/bronze border is that the quality digtizers come with a foam block to separate the digi/LCD cables from the screen and support them until installation.


I remember a customer supplied their own screen, tested it and was fine, then it was returned due to ghosting after 5 minutes?

So when I went to remove the glass, the underside cracked straight away, when I looked, there was a larger gap than normal so the pick got between the glass and silver frame!

So the they was, if there was a larger gap, (possibly with the silver frames) then it'll be almost touching something.

I have one now playing up, and against what we all know, this one only works when the tape which is transferred is actually removed!!!!

Not convinced though, so I have asked if they can hold on until I get this Kapton tape, I don't want it returned because it plays up later?



I am using duck tape on top and bottom. I do not have kapton tape at the moment so keeping my fingers crossed!!!!


スコア 0


has this worked for you or no?



I had this same issue at first but the the problem may have gotten bigger cause now the touch screen does not respond at all. The home button does work. I have not tried taping the bottom near the home button yet but Im hoping that reconnecting the digitizer and plugging it back in with get it to respond. I may need a new digitizer altogether. If anybody had this issue please help before I buy another digitizer.


スコア 0

Also another good thing to use instead of Kapton tape is the adhesive strips when putting your iPad mini back together! Seems to work great if you don't have Kapton tape, or electrical tape readily available. We use it here at our store, [www.irepairit.com|iRepairIT], in Atlanta all the time! Works wonders 95% of the time.


スコア 0

Hi ..around all the touch or just near the home button

cuz i have one ipad air when it s open does working fine

but when i am puting on frame then it working itself



スコア 0

Thank you for your post crevz, however it didn't completely fix my ghost touching issue, may be I'm doing something wrong and may be you can help me. I have a 1st Gen ipad mini, I used Kapton tape all around the digitizer as pictured to keep the wire from grounding, but after 5 min ghost touch is back. By turning off for 5 seconds and turn back ON and ghost touch is gone. So your method did improve by 80% so I'm on the right track. What can I do to fix it 100%?


スコア 0


iPad minis are usually the home button ribbon and the lower half of the digitizer. I would concentrate on this area.



Hey maybe someone can give me an advice. Defintily great find with this issue. I'm sure its related to a electric ground. I replaced my touchpanel of the used I Air1 I shot on ebay. Of course I taped the brown/bronze metal ring with electrical tape. Unfortunately I wasn't precise enough. The upper left corner touch function (in potrait mode) barley work unless I touch the iPad case. Then it reacts really straight forward without drop outs.

Now my problem. I couldnt get the old touchpanel off without breaking it. (It wasnt broke before and it wasn't an original). The glue was to strong. Now I have panic to get the new panel off which uses the usual 3M glue. I took about nearly 1 & half hour to get it on without any dust between touch and display.

Would I need new glue stipes? I'm not having the iOpener and used a professional hot air gun which I can set the temperature. Set it to 100 degree cellsuis. Any advice would be much appreciated!


スコア 0

If using tapes doesn't work, just replace the digitizer. You only need to buy a healthy digitizer.


スコア 0

I had this “Ghost” problem suddenly appear with my 5 year-old iPad Air. None of the reset/reboot solutions worked. I considered a battery issue, as my laptop battery once swelled enough to impact the touchpad. So, I prepared to open things up, replace the battery, and apply insulation tape! I found the battery looked OK and there was already a bit of peripheral insulation. To my surprise, I found that there were 4 rectangular magnets about 5mm in length each linked end-to-end together with adhesive strip along one side and adherent/stuck to the retaining plate over the LCD cable plug. I removed them in order to get the LCD unplugged. I was able to replace the battery and re-assemble my iPad, but could never figure out or find out where these magnets were supposed to be, or what they did. I assumed that they had become dislodged and found a home on the metallic LCD cover plate and were responsible for the erratic display behavior. Finding no information about magnets inside the iPad Air, I apprehensively just left them out and crossed my fingers. After putting everything back together, all is well!


スコア 0

A negitave score :/

Someone is touchey


スコア -1

2 件のコメント:

Wasn't me. I +up. Never down. If I don't like, then I ignore it :)


lol (lololol) (had to get over the minimum 12 character requirement)



If your supplier does original screens use them might be more expensive but you won't have this issue..

I only use original screens on the iPad and don't get this problem ,thank god!!!!! Would drive me nuts


スコア -1

2 件のコメント:

no such thing they are all 3rd party


funny 'cause this just happened to me with an iFixit-provided digitizer (ipad mini 3)




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