
The Samsung Galaxy S3 is a multi-touch, slate-format smartphone with eye-tracking ability, increased storage, and a wireless charging option.

20回答 すべてを表示

Galaxy S3 headphone jack only plays sound through left ear.

I have tried several different headphones in my brand new Samsung Galaxy S III, but sound only plays from the left side of the headphones. I do not wish to return my unit to Samsung or ATT for repair or to get a replacement refurbished unit.

If I push on the headphone jack, the sound will play out of the right ear. Is there a way to repair this?

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スコア 16
13 件のコメント

Got an S3 Spet 2012 and the sound worked fine for about 5 months. Then the same problem others have, no sound from right side. Got a new phone (much hassle) and now the new phone has same problem. When I contacted Verizon for the replacement I was told they had never heard of this problem. Sounds like BS. For what is suppose to be a top of the line phone, what a piece of junk. And to add insult to injury, there is the continuing difficulty in getting computers to recognize the S3. I will never own another Samsung.


I am the original submitter of this question. I had a phone with a bad jack and the sound only coming out of the right ear. After 6 months of using bluetooth headsets for music I got a replacement phone from AT&T. 1 month later I am experiencing the same issue but now with the left side not playing any sound.


I'm facing dale issue with my s3 mini.

I can't hear anymore on the right ear.

I've tested the hear phones on my s5 and there's nothing wrong.

besides there are lots of other issues with s3 mini while listening music such as music sudennly stops.

I start getting !#^&@@ of with all this $@$* with.


I have a samsung galaxy s3 & i have trouble using headphones in my phone. I will play but its like the headphones are blocked & you can not hear any singing or bass when headphones are plugged in. I have tried at least 3 different type of headphones to see if my ones were just faulty but its the actual jack in the phone. How can i get this fixed at a cheap price?


Samsung ear bud doznt last even a year......its a $@$*






I have an update to my response. The problem that I thought was recurring with my replacement phone was actually due to a pair of headphones. I have tested my new Galaxy S3 with several different pairs of headphones, and both sides work. Both sides will make a funny noise if something touches the headphones where the plug goes into the jack, but that is a minor problem.


スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

I've tested with different pair of hear phones and none of them woks ...


There is a newer model on the Samsung galaxy s3 . They had fix the problem my step brother has the newer and yes it works. But i have the older try the one below Davin thank you for posting this but please put the model. Open back and it will show you



I used a small piece of alfoil. Put it in female port inserted headphones. Had sound in both buds after. Unit (galaxy s3) worked fine for a yr before I had the no sound in right ear problem.


スコア 10

10 件のコメント:

Thank you Noel, that worked for me as well. Thank you again, truly helpful!


Thanks amazingly works I had to use a bit more aluminum foil than I first used and it worked also had to stuff in the headphone jack really hard. Great tip and fix! A+++


Thank you so much, Noel. This worked for me. Amazing!


I have same problem with my samsung galexy j5


thanks a lot, it really worked




I was having a problem with my samsung galaxy s3 but I found out that if you go to settings go to sound alive and swishes it to Vocal will take care of the problem it worked for me good luck to all God bless.


スコア 2

Using the aluminum foil in the headphone jack works. I tried it. Don't know how long it will be good for, but I can hear out of both sides of my headphones.


スコア 2

Most of the time what happens is the solder that holds the headset jack does not make a full connection, but when you press on the jack it does. If you have some liquid flux and a soldering gun it is an easy fix, just apply a little bit of flux on the solder and reheat it with the soldering gun and it should complete the connection.


スコア 1

i had the this problem also, but i had no sound at all, maby this is can fix your phone to. the first thing to to is to clean the uotput jack with some electronics cleaner and check that there is no clogging in the bottom. I notised on my s3 that the screws underneath the plastic cover had become loose. this resulting in a poor connection or something not being in the right place. i tightened the screws with a tiny Phillips screwdriver and the problem was solved.


スコア 0

The recognition problem is the drivers on your computer. An update bricked them. Uninstall and roll back to your originals, And you should be fine. Don't let kies update and it should stay that way.

Replacement headphone jack assemblies can be had on eBay for about $7.50 it looks like two screws and a solderless connector to replace. Just ordered two, so we'll see how easy it is to swap them out.


スコア 0

I have the same exact problem with it only playing through the left earphone. when I push it or move it just right it will play through both , but only if I hold it. hopefully tightening the screws or soldering it will fix it.


スコア 0

me too... both earphones worked great for about six months, now can only hear in one earphone.. very annoying... also radio receiver went wonky at the same time... now its like listening to one of those old radios with whistling in the background.. dont know if both probs are connected.,. maybe just coincidence that both things happened around the same time... loved my new phone and am so disappointed

that this has happened.


スコア 0

I'm about to replace the headphone jack on my Galaxy S3 for the second time. Fortunately, it is an easy fix. You can buy the Headphone jack/speaker unit as an OEM piece ($8-$25 usd) on ebay or amazon. you'll have to remove a handful of screws and be careful with the connector, but it's not a challenging part to swap out.

Of Note: the first time around I bought a cheapo replacement unit, which lasted about two months. This time I sprung for a slightly more expensive "OEM" part, so we'll see if that lasts longer.


スコア 0

I work in electronics. Coincidentally the same industry that this assembly is (Flex Circuits and Connectors). The problem is a fundamental flaw with the audio jack itself. inside it seems to use almost a ball bearing type of connection. Sure, you can push and hold it, but you may just find out that simply spinning the headphone plug will allow you to find a 'sweet spot' that will allow for listening out of both ears. This is because the ball has probably worn out in some areas and the low spots cause it to miss the connection. This is not an ideal solution but a band aid. Replacement is likely the only 'permanent fix'.


スコア 0


Buy this piece /\ its really easy to replace the old piece, just take out all the screws on the back, clip the old piece out, clip the new one in.


スコア 0

well i have problem when i connct my s3 wth audio pin .... after a few moments sounds stop n then after a second !@#.... zig zag way like sound !@# then stopp .... no heat no nothing but sounds rthym are broken i dnt knw wot the heck just happen


スコア 0

I had the same problem with my S3. It took awhile to show up, but eventually one of my earphone jacks stopped working.

I ordered this part from etrade supply:

OEM Samsung Galaxy S III SCH-I535 Loud Speaker Module ,Black

Item# ESSAM10311355-23

There are instructions online, that a very straightforward. unscrew all the screws from the back, GENTLY, pry the case apart, and replace the top part containing headphone jack and loudspeaker. One caveat that wasn't made clear is that it is a little tricky to actually plug the new piece into the phone. Don't use too much pressure, but it does plug in when you line it up properly. This step wasn't well explained. Now my phone headset works like new. It's only been a few weeks since I replaced, but it cost me about $35 for the part and a mini screwdriver tool including shipping and handling. If you have an eyeglass screwdriver you probably don't need to buy a multi-tool. I have an I535 but the part I ordered didn't list my actual model number and it still worked.


スコア 0

I've been suffering of this problem for a few months now. I've been listening with left bud only or pushed the connector. Should've googled the problem earlier because the foil trick actually seems to work!! Though it seems that my s3 now constantly thinks that the headphones are connected so I wont be able to play any sound through my speakers. But a choice between properly working headphone jack or a crappy speaker is a no brainer at least for me :D


スコア 0

My s3's charging port had the exact same problem! I got it sent in and had to use a loaner phone for 3 weeks. When I got the phone back it was completely restored and it's been about a month since that happened. Now however, my headphone jack is screwed up like you said... it only plays sound if you have the plug in the perfect position! I am fed up with samsung and i'm never going to buy another one of their products again. I do not wish to get my phone sent in and restored again. Can anyone else please help!


スコア 0

I have an answer and this worked for my phone if you want to know the answer watch this video this is not made by me https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=w...

I know it said s4 but it worked on my s3


スコア 0


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