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Got 'er done, but 64-bit driver kit a bit disappointing (Torx)

Scott Bayes -

Mac mini Late 2012

Mac mini Late 2012 Hard Drive Cable Replacement

Mac mini Late 2012 Hard Drive Cable Replacement




Wanted SSD boot drive instead of 5400 rpm spinner


Went well. Per comments was able to skip the motherboard manipulation steps. Hardest part was the %$!* Antenna plate remounting. Finally inserted tip of screwdriver with small Torx bit into a hole in the plate near the lock/unlock dots on the case, angled it a bit, and levered the plate up a bit to slot in correctly. Spent half an hour before that trying to get it to go. The comments were invaluable.

Never needed the way overpriced Logic board removal tool. Maybe use it for mini-Croquet.

On reboot, everything worked as expected (hoped? prayed?) Wild cheering from the audience.


The 64-bit kit doesn't contain a T6, so I used one of the JIS bits instead. Seems an odd omission. Kit is very nice otherwise.

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コメント 1 件

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the sharing your repair story. I'm sorry to hear you have encountered an issue during the repair. I'm here to help!

The 64 Bit Driver Kit does not include the T6 bit but it does include a TR6 bit, which can be used on T6 screws. Will you check to see if you kit has the TR6 bit? If not, let our Customer Service team know and we'll get you that bit right away. You can reach them at help.ifixit.com. Thanks!

Christopher Fernandes - 返信
