
iMac Intel 27インチEMC2309またはEMC2374のガラスパネルの交換



手順 1を翻訳中

iMac Intel 27" EMC 2309 and 2374 Glass Panel Replacement: 手順 0、 3の画像 1 iMac Intel 27" EMC 2309 and 2374 Glass Panel Replacement: 手順 0、 3の画像 2 iMac Intel 27" EMC 2309 and 2374 Glass Panel Replacement: 手順 0、 3の画像 3
  • Stick a heavy-duty suction cup near each of the two top corners of the glass panel.

  • To attach the suction cups, first position the suction cup with the movable handle parallel to the face of the glass panel (as indicated in the second picture).

  • While lightly holding the suction cup against the glass, raise the movable handle until it is parallel with the other handle (as indicated by the third picture).

  • If your suction cups refuse to stick, try cleaning both the glass panel and the suction cup with a damp soft, lint-free cloth. (Dampen with distilled water, and if needed, an equal ratio of distilled water and white vinegar for best results.)

  • Do not use the suction cups to carry the display glass because if one of them fails to stick, you could drop the screen and break it.

  • The original iMac box makes a good place to store the glass panel. Otherwise, a padded horizontal surface, like a towel on a desk, will do nicely.




吸盤が上手く固着しない場合は、ガラスパネルと吸盤カップの両方を柔らかくリントフリー(メガネ拭きなど)の布を湿らせて軽く拭きます。( 一番効果的な方法は、蒸留水、もしくは蒸留水と白酢を同じ割合で調合したものを布に含ませます。)


購入時のオリジナルiMac用梱包ボックスは、ガラスパネルを保管するのに最適な場所です。 それ以外は、安定した水平上の表面、机の上にタオルを敷いた上に載せておくと安全です。
