
MacBook Pro 13英寸 Touch Bar 2018 键盘拆解


手順 1を翻訳中

MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar 2018 Keyboard Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 1 MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar 2018 Keyboard Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 2 MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar 2018 Keyboard Teardown: 手順 0、 3の画像 3
  • Visually speaking, the new keyboard is strikingly similar to the previous model. In the first image you can see the slightly taller option ⌥ symbol on the new model.

  • The new keycaps measure ever-so-slightly thinner (about 1.25 mm, vs. 1.50 mm on the 2017 model), allowing for easier removal with less risk of damage. We also note that the space bar's inner workings have been subtly redesigned.

  • And of course, there's the new silicone layer draped over the delicate butterfly mechanisms.

  • A while back, Apple filed a patent for all sorts of keyboard ingress-proofing methodologies. And today Apple may have confirmed the silicone's true purpose as dust protection.

从外观上讲,新键盘与之前的型号非常相似。 在第一张图片中,您可以看到新型号上稍微变高的选项⌥符号。

新的键帽尺寸略微偏薄(约为 1.25 毫米,而 2017 款为 1.50 毫米),可以更轻松地拆卸,同时损坏风险降低。 我们还注意到空格键的内部已经巧妙地重新设计。


不久前,Apple为各种键盘防护方法申请了专利。 目前苹果公司可能已经确认硅胶的目的是防尘。
