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51 件のコメント
The instructions worked like a charm. This is not for the faint of heart and requires some modicum of skill, but I saved a buttload of money by doing it myself. You will definitely need the recommended tools.
It worked like a charm... Just need to follow the instructions carefully and you can avoid to spend 200 something € to buy a new iPod!
Thanks iFixit
i couldn't get the plastic opening tool in between the 2 sections. i ended up using two razor blades instead of the plastic tools and the putty knife, i was able to replace the hard drive with very little struggle and almost no cosmetic damage(not that i care what the thing looks like)
algore2016 - 返信
Thanks for a highly useful guide. Slowly and methodically, using a single-bladed, razor blade, I was able to open the case, following this procedure. Patience is, indeed, a virtue, in this case.
I was able to successfully replace the hard drive and battery.
The only snag I encountered was that the headphone jack ribbon was glued to circuit board adjacent to the connector under the hard drive. (I just left this ribbon be, not wanting to risk damaging the ribbon.) It was a bit awkward straightening the case edges, but I managed.
Overall, I'd give this guide a grade of "A"....it was nearly perfect and very clear. Bravo!
Well I managed to get it apart, though it wasn't all that difficult with the right tools, but getting it back together has been a nightmare. Just saying "reverse the process" is reall not quite enough in this case. All the little pieces of shock padding keep falling off, it's almost impossible to get the two wires plugged back in as well as keeping them in place, but I got there in the end. Or so I thought . Now my ipod has no sound (except from dock output) - and on investigating I find I have severed the orange cable near the jack itself- either by bending it or catching it on something. So another part to buy. So it's a warning to be very careful.