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20 件のコメント
So my controller decided to stop charging (still stayed on until the battery completely dained) a couple weeks ago so I bought a new charging port and ribbon and replaced it put it all back together just for it to work the same not charging but on so I figured maybe it was the battery all along but this time I took my other new controller apart so I could test the battery by connecting it to the new controller to see if it will take charge which they would take charge on the new controller but when I took the new ones and put it in the old on it still wouldn't take charge I have no Idea what else to do everything else works it just won't charge even the light is still on but if I keep it connected to a USB cable it will stay on since the battery was dead but the battery status remains the same.
Same here except mine won't even work while plugged in. It just turns on and dies
How do you put back the touchpad? That $@$* Is a &&^&^$^ paradox.
The top of the touchpad that has the groove has to be inserted at the part where the bottom of the touchpad is normally. Then you you move it up and you can wiggle it through the arc. After that it fits snugly like it supposed to.
Rick -