
Can you identify this component?

Hi, Can anyone help me?

I turned my Macbook Pro (Late 2006 A1150) on the other day, everthing was going well until i tilted the screen. It caused the worn-down backlight cables to short which then fried something on the Logic board. I opened the Mac up an luckily found the broken component, however, it is so damaged that i couldn't read the code on top of it.

The part im looking for is a tiny black box with 6 pins (3 on two opposite sides).

It is on the bottom side of the logic board, to the lower right of the prossecor. below the component reads "Q9450"

Block Image

(btw i did google "Q9450" and found nothing but processors)

Can someone please identify this component so i can purchase a replcaement.

Thank You.

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just could not resist to answer this old question. I thought it might come in handy for someone else that has similar issue. The part in question is FDG6332C20V N & P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET


スコア 1

I'm afraid you will have to change the complete logic board.

I just fried my MBP's graphic card and this also could not be replaced separately - I had to have the complete logic board replaced.


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