My screen is dark after digitizer repair
i attempted to repair my digitizer and though it does come on, it is very dark
i attempted to repair my digitizer and though it does come on, it is very dark
You need to do a hard reset. Hold down power and home button for 20 sec.
Hope it helps.
Lifesaver Thanks
@johnkustic you're a clever one! I was about to believe I need to replace my back light! Thank you a lot!
my ipad is brand new not even turnd on yet but i press the home button and it turns on but sosososo dark almost black and it speeks to me but it says SCREEN LOCKED wat should i do ?
Good grief! That scared me big time. Thanks for the tip - worked like a charm.
You the man. I too was a little worried there until I tried your fix.
You broke the backlight.
Try to fix it, maybe you disconnected a connection.
THANKS! I thought I killed Kenny!
Yea that worked I was freaking out also. Seems to happen if the iPad is on while you undo the cables.
Thank you so much, JohnKustic! You just saved me a lot of heartache, although I think I already had a nervous breakdown.
I thought I had screwed my Ipad. Thanks man for the fix.
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3 件のコメント
One of the Common pitfalls / issues is that the Back-light fuse blows..
Yes there is a fusible link that can blow / burn out.
If the Digitizer / LCD is removed with the power on etc.
Obviously try the DFU or boot method first, but two out of two Ipad 2 have done this on me recently.
Google it...
I have had two do this recently.
Worked with a broken Digitizer, then pulled apart and replaced, and obviously disconnected the LCD.
And low and behold op comes a very dim, if visible at all display..
Suggest you look at the You Tube clips and decide if the repair is within you capabilities..
David さんによる
Very simple repair. Hold the power button down until the "Slide To Power Off" screen shows up. Give it several seconds to shutdown then push the Power button to restart it. You get a bright screen again.
Wesley Hunt さんによる
This is the best simple, best answer I ever found in my life in Internet. Thanks a lot and God bless you
Hercules さんによる