Why does my left trigger and left shoulder button feels janky?
Hey All!
So I've got this controller for about 3 years now, never been smashed to the desk, droped or thrown and never spilled anything on it.
I haven't used it in a while like in half a year, but yesterday I wanted to play some games and when it came to pressing the left trigger it was really weird.
I don't really know how to describe it, it feels like the spring that is making the trigger come back is not properly placed, also the left shoulder button has a very minimal travel. Compared to the right one it is almost the fourth of it, almost feels stuck.
Also the trigger sometimes makes a very loud click after the shoulderbutton been pressed.
Has anybody ever encountered this or am I a lucky first?
My initial tought was that some tiny piece of plastic broke somehow, and the spring is missplaced, or maybe the spring it self broke, but I don't really know much about the internal placement of things.
If anybody can give me something to go on it would be greatly appriciated.
Have a nice one.
(Sorry if my english is not gramatically correct or has any misspelling in it.)
Hi! I’m afraid you need to open it up first to know for sure. Can you share some pictures with us afterwards? Thanks!!
koppie007 さんによる
Hey! Sorry for the late reply life got in the way. I haven't had the time yet to take it apart, as soon as I can I will share some pictures.
ndhzi さんによる
No problem at all! Take your time, no need to rush things! Take care!!
koppie007 さんによる