Somethings have suddenly gone missing in widgets & settings...
I clean installed my Macbook about 8 months ago with OS Monterey 12.7.6 (The last supported OS) and everything has been running fine since then....about 3 days ago I noticed some things have gone missing from my settings, I have not removed or uninstalled any of them:
The widgets are stored within /System/Library/CoreServices
But Notes & Reminders are not there anymore (Maybe some others also have gone).
Unable to set weather location
Bluetooth Sharing has gone, but Bluetooth is on as I use a Magic Mouse II without any issues.
I also CANNOT change 'Open with default app' for example .mp3 or .mp4 opens with either Books, Music, Audacity, QT Player (All are different), even when I change to VLC as it always was with before via various methods NONE are changed so they all open with my preferred app. No matter what I try nothing seems to change anything, GET INFO (Set Default), Right Click (Open with other...) or even with App Cleaner app to set default app by extension etc....
This is really bugging me as I do not want to perform a complete clean install as I have a dual boot system and many files. We can rule out using Time Machine as that maybe will not solve it as from experience TM might still bring over the corrupted settings.... Is there a preferences file that I can delete or restore if so which one? Otherwise, system is running fine, these are my only issues noticed so far since a week or so. I have no dodgy software installed, nothing recently installed, no updates have been done (None to do anyway as all is up to date)..... I have booted into safe mode, rebooted as normal, but it has made no difference. Mystified on this as it is something I am usually good at fixing.
I found this link about widgets but no joy .