Why do I have static noise in my left earcup?
Since I got these headphones I fell in love with with the brilliant sound as well as comfort. But my left earcup started to make some static noise. It started a month ago when my headphones randomly turned off by them selfs.(they still do sometimes) Has anyone an idea what i could do to fix them?(Yes i tried uninstalling everything and setting them back but it didnt work)
Same issue here... I heard it's a chip issue and you can't do much to fix it
Lapis Sea (LapisSea) さんによる
I had this issue and got sick so left the headphones aside for a while and told myself I’d remember to contact Sennheiser. I totally forgot but, a few months later, after losing my other, cheap earbuds, I thought I’d give them another go. I’m not sure what it was but would think maybe that the battery draining fully has reset them and the issue has gone. Hopefully for good but we’ll see.
David Walker さんによる
Unfortunately I've just got the same problem, left earcup has static. I think I read somewhere else it's a humidity issue but I can't confirm that. I've tried to open them up but they don't seem very friendly in there.
Joshua Lawrence さんによる