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Is it better to try to clean this corroded connector or replace it?

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I bought this 3ds off of ebay that wouldn't power on. When I went to take it apart I found that the cable that went from the upper screen to the motherboard was corroded (left of the image), so I bought the replacement screen from ifixit. After it was installed the console did end up powering on with both screens on, however the upper screen was dark and discolored similar to the 3ds in this post. I wiped off all the corrosion I could see on the connector (right image) with Isopropyl alcohol and a q-tip but that didn't solve the issue.

I'm certain that my problem isn't with the cable of the new screen as it functioned perfectly fine while connected to a fully functional motherboard, so I believe the connector on the motherboard is the culprit.

So my questions are...

Would it be easier and/or better for me to replace the connector on the motherboard or attempt to clean it further? And how would I go about doing that?

Also, if I should replace it, what's the name of the part that I look up to buy the replacement? If it even is available for purchase.

P.S. Sorry if the images are low quality, it's the best I could do with my phone camera.

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スコア 1

1 件の回答



It's pretty bad corroded. First of all I would try to clean it further, hopefully it still can be saved!

The only thing what you can do is to use Isopropyl alcohol with q-tip...

If you've tried but it won't get better, then yes I'm afraid it need to be replaced...

Here is the part you need: https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32568033713...

Good luck with the repair!


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

Thank you for the quick response and the link. I’ll see if Im able to do a deeper clean of that connector.


My pleasure! Good luck! Hopefully you will get it fixed again :)!




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