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How to Fix Gaming Graphics on Laptops for Engineering Students?

Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I recently purchased a laptops for engineering students, I'm an engineering student using my laptop for both coursework and some gaming during my free time. However, I've been having trouble with the gaming graphics on my laptop. The performance isn't as smooth as I'd like it to be.

Here are a few details:

  • Laptop Model: [Include model and specs if known].
  • Issues: Graphics lag, low FPS, and occasional crashes while gaming.
  • Software Used: CAD, MATLAB, and various programming environments (which run fine).

I’m looking for advice on the following:

  1. Optimization Tips: What can I do to optimize my laptop for better gaming performance?
  2. Graphics Settings: Are there specific settings or tweaks I should adjust for smoother gameplay?
  3. Hardware Upgrades: Is there any hardware I can upgrade that would make a significant difference?

Any suggestions or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!

Best, Jonathan Jone

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1 件の回答


I have configured a large number of these CAD spec Lenovos for an Automotive company, so am very familiar with your pain!

First recommendation I can make is to use the Lenovo Vantage tool to keep the drivers up to date, it will also install any missing drivers you might need.

Second, check which graphics driver is recommended by your CAD software vendor, odds are it won't be the latest driver version. In NX for example, Siemens publishes a list of supported drivers.

Third, and this is the most common issue I find, is make sure that your CAD software is actually using the discreet graphics. 9 times out of 10 I find it's using the onboard GPU and is really struggling. You can force it use a specific card, search the Start menu for Graphics Settings.

Hope this helps somewhat.


スコア 1


@jonathanjone those two coding apps use a GPU to calculate it so if you have them running whilst you are gaming then your GPU will truly be struggling to run two different peices of code and one may not even work




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