How to fix my disconnected USB charger of my laptop

How to fix the disconnected USB from the laptop

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2 件のコメント:

Hi @lakshmibhakat

What is the model number of the laptop?

Which side of the laptop is the USB port on, left or right?

Is it physically disconnected from the board or is it that it only doesn't work?


Lakshmi, you're going to have to give us a lot more information if you want help. To start with, what do you mean by "disconnected"? Is the USB connector broken off the motherboard? Or does it not charge or communicate? We need a better description of the problem, and pictures always help.

In addition, there's no way to give you the proper information without knowing exactly what laptop you have. Please edit your question to add the model number, which can usually be found on a label on the bottom of the laptop.

