My Nintendo 3ds xl (2015 model) has both screens completly black
My 3DS XL (2015 model) will show the blue light for power, but both of the screens are black. This happened in 2019, and I got it in 2016. I have been trying to fix it for months now, and even tips from @darthmango have not helped. I just want to know if there are any other ways to fix it, or if I should get it repaired. Please help @darthmango, Im losing hope :(
14 件のコメント
First thing first, What is tried already and what did @darthmango tried? I know that even sometimes the MicroSD card reader can give issues like this, there is no MicroSD card inside, right? If yes, then remove it and try again. Just let us know what is tried, so we can help you further! Thanks in advance!
koppie007 さんによる
@dan0 Everything. Safe mode, SD removal, everything. I cant do much bc I am 14, but I have tried everything I can. Do you have any other ways to help?
Jahasen :D さんによる
Is the console modded? Anyway, I'm afraid that this is motherboard related... Probably the Nintendo CPU or the Samsung NAND. My guess is that you only can fix it with a new motherboard. They are for sale here:
Not sure if you can fix it by yourself? Otherwise you can bring it to a local repair shop and ask them to fix it for you.
koppie007 さんによる
@dan0 It is not modded. I hoped not to resort to that option, because I know that repairs for the 3ds nowadays are shady, but I will try my best. Thank you all for the support :D
Jahasen :D さんによる
@jahasend Alright, then it must be something motherboard related. Sry for the bad news :(. Hopefully you will get it repaired asap again! My pleasure, here to help :)!!
koppie007 さんによる