How to disassemble shark hyperair hair dryer?
I have a Shark Hyperair hair dryer which has a problem with the power button that is responsible for powering on/off the hairdryer
the problem is that the hair dryer only works when I press the power button but do not make the button all the way up, i must put my hand and keep pressing the button to make it stay in the middle in order to work
This is a picture of the hairdryer and I did mark the power switch button with a red circle.
I've searched a lot for videos about how to disassemble the Shark Hyperair hair dryer and fix the problem but unfortunately, I didn't find any video
I'm trying to find out how to disassemble that hair dryer and fix the power button in the proper way
I would appreciate it if anyone could give me some advice about how I should fix the power button
Thanks in advance.
@htalal we understand you are waiting for an answer but you got to give people time. This forum is pretty much exclusively monitored and utilized by volunteers. That means that all of us have lives and families and obligation that may take precedence. Eventually somebody will pick this up and work with you. Commenting and deleting those comments every hour does not make it go quicker :-)
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