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Would it be possible to drill out the hole for the proprietary jack?

Hello all,

I have wired Sony Headphones, MDR-100AAP. I think it's this one.

They have a proprietary mini jack connection. Meaning the cable itself is just normal 3,5 mm jack, but the connection won't fit normal mini jack connectors, because the entry hole is a bit narrower. My original cable only gives sound on the left side, so I want to plug in another cable. If I'd shave off a mini jack connector to make it really slim, it would fit. But that would not be a safe cable to use.

My question is: I wonder if I can drill the entry for the jack hole in the headphone itself a bit wider, so any regular mini jack cable will fit?

I'm long past the warranty period, so I will start drilling anyhow.

Cheers :)

Edit: Thanks @oldturkey03 for asking photos and the help link. Here they are:

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the jack entry of the headphones

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original cable fits fine

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regular mini jack does not fit because its base is too wide (it does not go deep enough in because of that)

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Even a seemingly narrow jack connection is too wide at the base

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difference in length inside the headphones. regular mini jack connection goes in too short, because the base of the connection does not fit the narrow hole of the headphones

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amount I'll be drilling. The material seems to be just green/yellow plastic until the black coloured base

do you think it's a good idea?

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@jannn999 post some good pictures of what you are looking at with your question. Let's see what you got going on there. You sure about the jack being proprietary and not just being a 2.5mm jack? Pictures will help iFixitでの質問に画像を追加する方法





From the looks/pictures, as long as you don't drill the black connector area, and only the green area you mention, it should work

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If possible, try to avoid drilling past the noted notches. Try to drill up to these noted notches, so that there is a bit of plastic there to help guard the headphone jack.

If you are "Cutting" this down to the black connector, it should work, too, but leave a little bit of plastic to guard the connection


スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

@jannn999 sneaky aren't they :-) Anyhow, yes, that would work. The advice given by @jri_creator is spot on as well. Consider replacing the cable before drilling. I get it, it's more money etc. but sometimes we just got to do it. Looks like places like this have a few that may work. I am frugal so I am all for saving money but.....:-)


@jri_creator thank you. I’ll post some pictures of the process but maybe I get another cable instead.


@oldturkey03 Ah I see, they’re not the only model. There is the Sony I know.

Might go for a fitting replacement cable then. I have to buy a new cable anyway and this is my only use. Thanks again for your help.



it will not fit and the noise cancellation will not work for one ear again


スコア 0


This is a model without any noise cancellation to begin with. I'm not sure what you mean by 'will not fit'. If I drill it a bit wider it should fit I think. Maybe you mean another model: the Sony MDR-100ABN; looks the same but is wireless and has ANC.




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