Water spilled on my ASUS Laptop, doesnt Turn on anymore

Hello Everyone,

Im From Germany

I have a Asus Tuf A15 FA506IV 2020 Model (RTX2060)

I accidently spillee Sparkling Water on my Keyboard. My Laptop was plugged, while i was Clearing the mess the Laptop went Off.

Since Then IT doesnt start.

I Opened my Laptop the insides Look Clean. Deattached the battery and disambled the Motherboard so only the Keyboard Part ist there.

Since Then im drying the Button Part of my Laptop.

I reassampled IT together after 12 hours and tried to Turn IT on but nothing. Did IT without battery plugged IT in still nothing

So i disambled IT again and since Then ITS drying.

Because IT turned off itself IT Had a short circuit right?

Is my Laptop completly broken even sehen Water didnt touched the Motherboard?

Dont See any Water Damage on the Motherboard.

Can IT BE because of my Keyboard having short circuits my Laptop isnt responding?

Already buying Isopropanol Alc 99,9% and some Unit to Look If Energy ist going through my Laptop, comes with Amazon tonight.

Do you have Tips what to do?

Is there also a Button Combination i should do after a Short circuit? Like Holding the Power Button?


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