
First released on 2004 (after DSC-T1), which has 7.2 mega pixels and a Can take photos steadily.

2回答 すべてを表示

Is there a way to change the language on my camera?

Hi! So, the camera I purchased is in Japanese & usually this camera is supposed to have an “A” icon where I’d be able to change the camera but it doesn’t appear for me anywhere. This is making it a bit difficult to use the camera since I don’t speak Japanese.

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Sony language locks cameras meant for sale on the Japanese market. You either need to use a workaround like OpenMemories Tweak or learn Japanese if this doesn't apply to the one you have. You can also sometimes run into a problem on the Alphas from countries without the Japanese language lock if you bought the camera from a 50hz region: You can't use the 50hz formatted card for video in a US 60hz camera and vice versa. YOU MUST FORMAT THE CARD TO SWITCH, or forego video! This is very likely fixable in the same way as the language lock on the Alphas which are supported too.

If you really, really have to import a Sony camera don't buy them from Japan... Ever. I would sooner buy one from South Korea or an English speaking country like the UK and deal with "issues" like the camera being resetting to Korean out of the box if I couldn't get one from Canada or the UK (even if I had to learn enough Korean to know what to do). Even Canons are safer for import purposes as they at least allow you to set English, even with the language lock in place. You can hack it out on them too, but this is for Sony. The good thing with imported Canon cameras is you often can tell by the model (not easy on Sony). For example, Canon will use a different model in Japan (Ex: EOS 77D US/EOS 9000D on the "JDM" 77D and EOS Kiss for the lesser cameras; others like the 80D are one nameplate so you know when you are locked out of all but English, Japanese and Chinese).

If the camera cannot accept apps you will need to learn Japanese to use it .


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Thank you for your answer. Sadly I didn’t realize that it was from Japan since I purchased it from someone in the US who only showed the camera itself and the results of the photos. I’ll keep this information in mind for future purchases. Thank you for your help!!


@evelyn67879 As long as it can be "hacked" like the Alpha cameras, it's fine to buy from Japan. I would just give a South Koren camera MUCH more preference. It may need to be tweaked to run at NTSC, but I can set the language to English.



Sony AP has written a FAQ with generic instructions to change camera lanuage, have you tried following them? It shows the symbols used in the interface, so that you can change the language even if you don't speak it


スコア 2


Thank you for taking the time to respond but yes, I’ve tried using it and it didn’t help.




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