
2020年10月29日に発売されたGoogle Pixel 4a 5Gモデルの修理情報です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Microsoldering repair on a google pixel 4a please respond

So recently someone took my phone was dropped to the ground. I took it to the local tech and apparently the pins on the motherboard that connect the screen are bent and everything else looks fine according to him. I’m taking it for some microsoldering. Is it possible to repair the pins on this phone with just microsoldering. Has anyone had their pixel phone successfully repaired with micro soldering because I really want to recover my phone

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1 件の回答


@catwings6003 "with just microsoldering" nothing "just" about it, when it comes to mircosoldering. It's an art.

We don't know what your connector looks like damaged etc., but it can most certainly be repaired by an experience person. The most likely way for this type of damage, would possibly be by replacing the connector. Yes, it's done by microsoldering :-) Possible? Absolutely.

Just make sure that the person that has your phone, does have the tools and the experience :-)


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Cake wings さん、ありがとうございました!

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