
2019年10月に発売された第7世代Surface Proモデルです。カラーはプラチナ、ブラックです。モデル番号は1796です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Blue Screen of Death

My mom's Microsoft Surface Pro 7's original charger stopped working, so she used my MacBook charger. It worked for a while, and then the computer suddenly shut off when she was doing some test. When we charged the Surface back up, we decided to turn it on. We saw the blue screen of death. It brought us to the automatic repair thingy, and it said, "Your PC did not start correctly" So, I clicked the restart button, and it brought us to the blue screen of death again, going to the automatic repair, showing the same thing again. I decided to go to Advanced Options, Troubleshoot, and Reset PC. And it was asking for a BitLocker recovery key. As we remember, we got the laptop from Costco and set it up by ourselves. I checked my mom's account, and the Bitlocker recovery key is not there. Also, the stop code is BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO. Is there a solution? We don't need the data back.

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Update (08/04/23)

Just an update. Actually, the software was corrupted. I reinstalled windows 10 with a usb flash drive, and the computer is back and running!

回答がありました! 回答を表示 同じ問題があります


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@tanveerzubair copy your update from today to an answer. That way it can be accepted as a solution and the next person with issues similar to yours, will know what worked.





Just an update. Actually, the software was corrupted. I reinstalled windows 10 with a usb flash drive, and the computer is back and running!


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That sounds like you fried something inside. Different computers need different amperages and voltages from their power supplies. Just because the Mac charger fits, doesn’t mean it’s gonna work very well. You’re probably better off taking it to a repair shop, unless you want to disassemble the whole thing, inspect every single part for damage, desolder any burnt capacitors and transistors, solder on new ones, and when all of that inevitably doesn’t work, replace all of the damaged internals. Trust me, I know from experience. My PC’s motherboard was completely defective, and I spent weeks trying to fix it, and I never was able to.


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