
The Motorola Droid Bionic is an Android-based, 4G LTE-capable smartphone designed by Motorola.

7回答 すべてを表示

LCD cracked, touchscreen still functions. What needs fixed?

My wife dropped her Bionic yesterday and the screen is quite clearly shattered/cracked now. However the touch functionallity is still working. Just trying to figure out which part is actually broken, and whether or not it'd be cheaper on me to repair on my own, or make the insurance claim.

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スコア 1
3 件のコメント

Does the screen still work? I mean can you still see anything on the screen?


Yes it still works perfectly. There doesn't seem to be any lose of functionality at all, and other than the cracks, no loss of image quality. This is why I'm kinda confused, every time I've ever cracked a touch screen it's been completely shot (unusable) after the fact. Is it just the gorilla glass that's broken? If so, how do I acquire more, and would it be cheaper to just do the insurance claim?


My. Tablet really creckt but it still work like. Did before i broke it i little slower what should i do should i do anything help me



1 件の回答


It honestly seems like it is just the gorilla glass that's broken which are genuinely very cheap to purchase and usually easy enough to replace on your own depending on the layout. I'm sure you've already made your own decision by now but just thought I'd respond. I actually just fixed a Zune with the very same issue and the glass only cost me 12 dollars including shipping. Have you tried taking it apart yet to get a better look at the issue?


スコア 3

4 件のコメント:

Sadly no... it took so long to get a response that I finally caved and filed the insurance claim. This is good to know for next time though.


My apologies there was such a delay in answering your question. For future reference if you don't get a response after a week or two, I would re-ask the same question to refresh it so that it shows up in recent questions unanswered and someone will definitely help you eventually :).


Thanks for your post Gary, I have the same problem and I may try to fix it myself based on your comments.


You can take a table apart??????what




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