
Released in March 2019.

2回答 すべてを表示

Laptop Overheating At Very High Temperatures

I have an 225-G7 from HP. I use it as a proxmox server. There is really not a lot of load on it. It just has 3 LXC containers. For some reason it is overheating a LOT and the fan goes crazy. I have tried everything. I have cleaned the cpu and the cooler and put new thermal paste, I have clean the insides with compressed air, I have even disassembled the fan itself and cleaned it. What else could I possibly do? Like, right now as I am typing this, the fan suddenly ramped up and it sounds like there is a jet in my room. Any ideas???

(Images of load (which is really not much) and graph of temps over about 11 hours below)

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スコア 1
3 件のコメント

Do you have access to a laser or IR thermometer to go over it and find out exactly where it's getting hot the most? Is it running the original fan? Loose fan blades?


@automotive Unfortunately not. That would be really helpfull, but I don't have a thermal camera or an ir thermometer or whatever.


@automotive "Loose fan blades" Possibly, but I opened it very recently and I touched the fan and I think the blades where firmly attached on there so I don't think they are loose. I didn't really check though.



1 件の回答


@sthivaios looking at your temp graph it really does not show that it is overheating a lot. Your average and your T max do not look bad at all.There are times when it ramps up but I do not see anything leading me to believe that there are major issues. I would start by replacing the fan. They are really not meant to be taken apart. Start with that and also let us know the ambient temp. That may be a contributing factor. Last but not least, consider checking and updating the BIOS.


スコア 2

11 件のコメント:

Will try :)

I can't really get a fan right now but as soon as I get one I will do that.

Also, the weird thing is that I used it like that (as a server) for quite a lot of time and it didn't do that. I wasn't monitoring the temps back then, but I had never heard the fan sound like a jet like it is doing right now. After using it for a server, i put ubuntu desktop on it and then reinstalled proxmox (the installation I have right now). Then the issues started. I took the fan apart after it started going crazy so I doubt that opening the fan damanged something but I will check it. (Btw, it is literally so loud right now, it is louder than the dang AC when it is on "turbo" mode)


(correction) *damaged


@sthivaios I totally get that and no, I did not mean to imply that you damaged the fan. I wonder if this is not a software issue with the monitoring and then the ramping up of the fan. The temps are really not bad and should not require your fan to go into "maximum Overdrive"


@oldturkey03 Yeah I think that it is full overdrive rn. It sounds so loud. But like, when I bring my hand close, it is not like spewing hot air like it is an oven or anything. Could be a software issue, i'm not sure. Maybe proxmox is causing it to do that? I don't know why it would do that but it is possible. There is one major difference : the other time i installed proxmox, it was proxmox 7.4 (i think - definitely 7.x just not sure if it was .4) and it wasn't doing that. Now I am running proxmox 8.0. I think it is very unlikely but isn't it possible that there is something going on with the new proxmox??


@sthivaios it could be. I would definitely look at the software end for this issue.





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