
2017年3月に発売された第5世代iPadのWi-Fiのみのモデルです。9.7インチRetinaディスプレイと64ビットA9プロセッサーを搭載したモデルで、32 GBおよび128 GBのストレージオプションがあります。

20回答 すべてを表示

How do I combine backups?

Hello, my iPad 3 broke a while ago so I bought an iPad 5, but I started installing apps onto it, but then I remembered that I had to get the data from my old iPad to the new one. I was wondering if there was a way to merge the data between the 2 or merge backups? Thanks!

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I don't have a definitive answer for you, but let me think out loud here.

First of all, the backup you have for the iPad 3 - is it backed up to disk via iTunes? If so, I don't believe there's any way to combine it with anything else; the act of restoring it to the iPad will wipe any existing data on the iPad.

What I'm thinking is, you may be able to combine the two sets of data by using an iCloud backup in conjunction with an iTunes backup. Set up your iPad 5 to back up to iCloud. Once you've got a complete backup to the cloud, do a restore from your iPad 3 disk backup. If I'm not mistaken, once the restore is complete, the iPad will then go on to restore anything that's backed up on the cloud that's not already on the iPad.

BTW, probably wouldn't hurt to do an iTunes backup of the iPad 5 first just to make sure you don't lose anything in case I'm completely wrong about all this, but I think it'll work. Hopefully some of our more expert contributors can chime in and confirm or deny my theory.


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@dadibrokeit I have done the steps, but I don’t see where the cloud backup comes in, I’ve restored the iPad 5 with the iPad 3 backup but I don’t know how to get the cloud backup in there. It didn’t automatically get the data.



To the best of my knowledge: There isn't a way to restore both backups onto the same device. When first setting up the device it will ask how you would like to restore, either from a back up or iCloud. There is no way to restore a second time without doing a full factory reset. You can go into iCloud and manually transfer files that are saved there. If apps are what you are looking for they should be available through the AppStore under your purchases.


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what about app data (ie. in games) that doesn’t use account based systems to store data?




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