

20回答 すべてを表示

I’m getting a high pitched sound out the right side randomly

Hi everyone. After having success with other repair help on here I figured it was time to tackle my headphone lot I bought. I mainly bought this lot for this pair of headphones. They work fantastically however I have a problem where randomly you can hear this popping that will turn into a loud high pitch like whistle almost.

I’m wondering if it’s a speaker that’s dying but I am honestly not to sure cosmetically they look great and I have been using them a bit in this condition with everything else going well.

To clarify the right side still works it’s not dead but this whistle sound will happen randomly and only happens over bluetooth

Any help is appreciated thank you guys

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1 件の回答


This is usually due to the microphone being dislodged/damaged. Temporary solution is to press the cup back in until it "clicks" (risk of damaging further so be careful) and/or turn off noise cancelling. I ended up getting mine replaced under warranty. There are some more technical guides available here though that might be useful in fixing the problem properly.


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5 件のコメント:

And I probably would to I bought them out of a salvage lot a long time ago next question would you have any idea where to look for parts? Knowing the microphone is the problem is very helpful but unfortunately if that microphone is damaged I can’t replace it without a new one


So after taking some additional research into it turns out its not the microphone but rather the glue from the pop filter that is causing the feedback loop. Did exactly that removed it and the problem was fixed took me 5 seconds thanks for giving me that tip for looking there


Hi Jacob, thanks for updating with how you went, this post comes up when. People search so your information helps a lot. Glad to hear that fixed the problem!


Hey Jacob, am very happy to hear you found a fix since I am currently dealing with the same problem. could you please specify what you mean by "the glue from the popfilter"? I haven't been able to find what that means.


Hey Yasin,

figured out what the pop filter is:

- in the middle of the driver you find the feedback mic (below a small white cover)

- the mic itself is silver and has some black sticker on the opposite side of the wires. This is the pop filter.

- For me, on the side where I had the "popping" (and also a constant background noise), the glue of this sticker was leaking all around, almost looking like it's covered in earwax. On the other side it was perfectly clean.

- I removed that pop filter, cleared all the glue, and put everything back in place. I just hoped, that the bracket of the mic would also hold the filter in place.

Sadly this didn't help at all and I still have my noise/popping issue. But now we at least know, where the pop filter is.




Jacob Ridlon さん、ありがとうございました!

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