
2016年9月16日に発売。モデル番号は1660, 1778で GSM かCDMA があり。/ 32、128、 256 GB / 色はローズゴールド、ゴールド、シルバー、ブラック、ジェットブラック

2266回答 すべてを表示

iPhone 7 iOS freezing and getting hot

My iPhone 7 won’t stop freezing and keeps on becoming hot ,sometimes I perform a force restart before it turns on, an in Ghana we don’t have an apple authorized apple shop, and it sometimes glitches please help I need your help please 😭😭😭 tell me the cause

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1 件の回答

Hi @jerry233, just a few questions,

have you tried a complete factory reset? It could be an app causing the issues

Have you also tried a battery replacement? Often when batteries get old and start to fail they can heat up a lot more than they did before, this would also explain the slowness!

If yes to both of these, it may be a motherboard issue unfortunately


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