How to switch cracked screens
I dropped my a12 on concrete and the concrete went through my screen protector which caused to chip of a big corner which put lighter cracks through my whole screen how do I replace at home
Hi Twicken YT,
The good news is that it is very possible to replace the screen on your phone by yourself. You'll need a couple of tools but not too many and you can get them all here on iFixit if you want. Sorry to say that they don't have a guide to your particular repair at this time; there are just too many devices out there in the world for them to be able to cover everything. However, I did find a Spanish site that has just what you need. Here's a link to their guide.
Manuals / Samsung Galaxy A12 Nacho / Full screen
As far as locating a replacement screen, it's going to depend a lot on where in the world you're located, but you can start by checking the big retail sites, Amazon, eBay and AliExpress; they are all likely to have the screen and may be able to ship to you.
Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes!
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add images of the damage to the phone
have you removed the screen protector, to see make sure the damage is actually on the screen
is the phone able to turn on?
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