
2018年9月21日発売。モデル番号A1921, A2103, A2104、GSM もしくはCDMA / eSIM もしくはナノSIM /64, 256,もしくは512 GB/ シルバー、ゴールド、スペースグレイ(正しい発音は"iPhone 10 S Max")

376回答 すべてを表示

Logic board defect: iPhone XS Max doesn't charge and stays at 1%

Hi everyone,

First a brief history. My iphone XS Max stopped turning on one day. I opened it up and connected it to a power supply. I suspect this is where the problem started. I'm pretty sure the power supply connector is broken as I'm having a similar problem with another iphone. I should've connected it to a different battery instead.

The problems that i have are:

  • battery almost always stays at 1%
  • Doesn't charge
  • Very slow
  • Restarts after a few minutes.

Very occasionally the iPhone works just fine. Unfortunately only lasts for a few minutes.

  • Does anyone know what specific component could be the problem? I have the tools at home to fix the logic board, if the repair isn't to complicated.
  • I have the same issue with a iphone X. Same issues and cause. Maybe the same defect?


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1 件の回答


Hi Sem,

Obviously the best path to take is to first find out exactly what's wrong before throwing fixes at the phone.

You said it's been rebooting, which could indicate a sensor problem. There will likely be logs stored in the phone that may point you directly to the actual cause rather than having to speculate. Take a look at @flannelist's Wiki article on Kernel Panics and see if there are any panic logs to be found. If so, post the first page or so of whatever you find and we can see about narrowing down the cause with you.

iPhone Kernel Panics - iFixit

Outside of that, first thing would be to get a new battery and see what effect that has on the whole situation.

Note of caution here; starting with the iPhone XS, Apple has paired the battery with the logic board, meaning you'll get a non-genuine part warning (whether or not you're using genuine Apple parts) plus you'll lose the battery health indicators. The only solution currently available is to cut the BMS, or Battery Management System, off the old battery and spot weld it onto a new cell that comes without the BMS, then go in with a device programmer and manually reset the battery health percentage and cycle count. So even of you don't use it right away, save that old battery in case you ever want to restore that information. Note that the battery will work correctly in all other respects.


スコア 2

4 件のコメント:

It is very difficult to view the logs since the phone is very slow and keeps rebooting. Luckily i was able to download some of them. There is indeed a sensor missing: TG0B TG1B. Thanks for the help!


@aaaa13 That again points fairly definitively at the need for a new battery. Unfortunately with that error you won't be able to salvage the BMS from the XS battery so the only way to keep the health information is to have the replacement done by an Apple authorized repair center.

You're good on the iPhone X though, since they hadn't started locking down the battery on that phone. For that one you can just buy any battery and it'll work fine.


Just wanted to let everyone know that replacing the battery worked. I was simply overthinking it, thinking a battery wouldn't cause an issue like this. Hope this helps other people with a similar issue.


@aaaa13 Awesome, thanks for the update! It always helps to have confirmation when you find a fix that works. Congratulations on a successful repair!




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