
2016年9月16日に発売。モデル番号は1660, 1778で GSM かCDMA があり。/ 32、128、 256 GB / 色はローズゴールド、ゴールド、シルバー、ブラック、ジェットブラック

2266回答 すべてを表示

no touch ID message

i have an iphone 7.

worked fine. OEM home button.

for whatever reason, suddenly the touch ID stopped working, but home button function was fine. don't really care because i don't use Touch ID anyway. would routinely see the "Touch ID - Unable to activate Touch ID on this iPhone" message when i power cycle the phone. no big deal.

now i see




basically the same message as the prior messasge but the meta instead of the real content.

any idea what's going on here?

anything i should do to fix it?

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Personally, I'd probably start with a complete wipe and restore to eliminate the possibility of a software error. After that if it continues you're pretty much down to replacing the home button, which of course will kill off Touch ID permanently. Unfortunately I'm hearing tales of newer versions of iOS automatically turning on assistive touch when it detects the non-original home button and people have had virtually no luck getting rid of the dang on-screen home button once it starts showing up.


スコア 2



Hi Jerry,

LOL yeah, i was one of those reporting that "helpful" new IOS feature. :)

i figured if the whole button has gone bad i will need to replace it. i've gotten myself a JC V1SE programmer and am searching for that one make/model of home button that will take the programming and hopefully fool IOS's "let me turn on Assistive Touch for you whether you want it or not" feature.

it's already at the highest level of IOS, so i'll need to do an anti-recovery flash with 3uTools, so i'll post how that goes. was hoping for something simpler, but it's Apple. :)





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