
9月20日にAppleが2019年に販売したiPhoneは5.8インチのOLED、3つのカメラがつき、バッテリー駆動時間が大幅に増加しました。iPhone XSの後継機です。

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Face id working only on specific face angles.

I dropped my iPhone once and the top left corner is slightly lifted. the face id was working fine, but eventually it only detects my face at particular angles after long wait time. What could be the reason? and solutions are welcomed.. Thank you.

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1 件の回答

Hi Surendar,

The Face ID system is dependent on multiple devices, particularly the dot projector and the IR camera. Since they need to work together, their alignment is critical to their proper functioning.

It seems likely to me that if part of the screen is "lifted" as you said, then it's quite possible the Face ID components are no longer correctly aimed, causing the kind of symptoms you're seeing.

I would start with correcting the problem of the lifted screen as my first approach to getting your Face ID working again. Screens have very little flex to them, so depending on how far out of alignment it is, are you sure it's the screen that's out of place rather than the frame being bent?

If you could post some pictures of the damage to your phone, perhaps we could help out with fixing your problem.

Adding images to an existing question - iFixit Repair Guide


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