
Similar to the Dell OptiPlex 7010 in specs.

6回答 すべてを表示

when setup windows the partitions is not apear

when setup windows the partitions is not apear

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


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1 件の回答


Hi Mohamed, if you're installing a new and/or known to work hard disk, make sure the hdd is properly plugged to the motherboard and power supply first; for the latter, you could also plug a different device like an optical disk drive if you're not sure the hdd is receiving power. Look at the (sata/pata) data cable, if you notice it's damaged / not in good working condition and you happen to have a spare one, try using it instead.

If this doesn't work or you're not updating the system with a different hdd, then check if is listed in the BIOS System Info tab: to access System Setup press <F2> key when the Dell logo appears after turning on the PC.

If the "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has an [MBR/GPT] partition table." error appears during setup, it means your hdd partition style doesn't match the motherboard current firmware, and you might have to switch to UEFI/legacy mode

Let us know if any of these solutions worked


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mohamed.a.eltawab101 さん、ありがとうございました!

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