
2018年9月21日に発売されました。モデル番号A2097, A2098、GSM もしくはCDMA / eSIM もしくはナノSIM / 64, 256、512 GB / シルバー、ゴールド、スペースグレイ。(正しい発音は"iPhone 10 S.")

402回答 すべてを表示

Tried removing screen before pentalobe screws. New screen?

Hi all,

I did a battery replacement on my wife’s XS (previously had done my own). I checked the phone and screen before reassembly and all was working fine. After reassembly I had some weird lines on the display, and figured I had pinched a cable?

Anyway, please help: I (mostly) removed the screen without removing the pentalobe screws. The screen no longer works. Can I just buy an iFixit replacement screen or have I done worse damage?

Extra info: the glass screen has a black plastic surround, I separated these as well as from the phone. Happy new year to my wife, thankfully she’s just laughing at me and ordering a new phone…

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1 件の回答


Sounds like you just need a new screen. You probably separated the actual display panel from the frame, but as long as that's it, I would wager that's all the damage.It's possible there may have been further damage, but as long as it still seems like the phone is powering on (flip the ringer toggle and see if it vibrates, or see if you can get it to be recognized by iTunes), I would guess that's the extent of it.


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