
2017年9月に発売されました。モデル番号はA1863、A1905。GSM もしくはCDMA/容量は64か256GB/ゴールド、シルバーとスペースグレイ

874回答 すべてを表示

New Battery Replacement Not Working


I just replaced my iPhone 8 battery using the iFixit repair procedure for the iPhone 8. I have done this procedure once before on this same S/N phone a couple years ago with no issues.


Once the new battery is installed the phone reports a 1% charge level on the battery. When plugging he phone in using an Apple OEM iPad charger (USB-A) and an Apple OEM charge cable (USB-A to lightning) the phone gives me the vibration indicating it’s detected the cable but no charging occurs (no lightning bolt in the battery icon). Reviewing the battery status page in the system settings indicates the phone knows its plugged in but no charging is occurring. Additionally, the phone reboots automagically about once a minute repeatedly. When the phone is on it works normally in all other respects.

Troubleshooting so far:

  • I have tried multiple hard resets (up volume, down volume, power button) to reset, no change in performance.
  • I have reviewed the circuit board to see if I disturbed (i.e. broke) any of the MOSFETs or resistors that are commonly called out in other troubleshooting guides around the battery connector area. All SMT components in this area appear to be in good order.
  • I verified that the battery connector has the foam adhesive backing so there isn’t an additional grounding path through the “back shell” of the connector to the cover plate.
  • I am not able to download a 3rd party battery app as I can’t keep the phone up long enough to accomplish this.

Update (12/03/2022)

Here is a pic of the area near the connector (connector is removed).

Block Image

Update (12/03/2022)

Here is a picture of the connector both on both sides.

Block Image

Block Image

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


スコア 1
4 件のコメント

Try downloading the battery app without plugging the phone in. Then once its downloaded plug the phone in and run tests.



Thank you for the reply, The phone is in a reboot cycle even when not plugged in. I don’t have enough time between reboots to grab the app.


@Bryan Schwichtenberg Oh OK. he way you worded your question, I thought it was working for a while and THEN shutting off and turning on again


@Bryan Schwichtenberg i can't see the image



1 件の回答


possible pry damage when disconnecting or connecting the battery, add a close up photo of the battery connector area on the logic board


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Hi Daniel, Thanks for continuing to work through this, Photos have been added to the main thread


@Bryan Schwichtenberg there doesnt seem to be pry damage but the connector could be the issue




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