
2013年11月1日に発売されたAppleのiPad Airは、iPadのスタンダードモデルに代わるスリムで軽量なモデルとして提供されています。

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battery died, can I fix it myself (I'm fearless!)

iPad Air WiFi 6th Gen 2018 battery gradually lost charge quicker and quicker, then couldnt hold enough charge to start up. I'm prepared to have a go at opening it up, but can I get a replacement battery and a new adhesive gasket ? Is there such a thind as a walk through video ?

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With the air 2 you have to be extremely careful removing the screen as it's one unit meaning screen and digitizer bonded together and they are not cheap to replace if you break it. Personally I wouldn't recommend doing this as a DIY job but take it to a reputable repairer and have them do it. Fearless or not it could be cheaper in the long run.


スコア 3

7 件のコメント:

yes I hear you Nigel, I spent a good while contacting Apple, jumping through all their hoops, and booking an appointment with an approved "reputable" dealer. When I got there, (about an hours drive away), not only did they not have any equipment for opening an ipad they didn't have any replacement batteries on the premises. Their only function is to advise people that no matter what problem you have, it can't be fixed and that you have to buy a new unit. I would dearly love to have 5 minutes alone in a room with a "reputable" repairer !! As for the DIY guys that set up their own repair shops, I'd like to be able to find one, but they areprobably only advertising in Japanese on Japanese forums and it's not easy for me to find them. As things stand, I have a unit that "reputably" can't be fixed so if I try and DIY it and mess it up, I'm not in a much worse position than I'm in now. But I will be as careful as it's possible to be, thanks for the heads up.


@sarge57 use plenty of heat take your time. I use a thin piece of plastic to separate the adhesive around the screen. If you put a drop of ipa on the plastic card it makes life a lot easier. Google an image of a replacement screen so you know where the screen ribbons are located so you don’t damage them with your opening tool.

Don’t insert the tool too far. Good luck 👍


thanks Nigel, I'm still collecting the tools. What do you mean by IPA ? This means India Pale Ale to me ??? Which although it might give me plenty of Dutch courage, is probably not what you had in mind :)



IPA = Isopropyl Alcohol.

When working on electronics get IPA 99%+ (available at electronics parts stores) as some people say using "rubbing alcohol" will do, but this usually only has <70% IPA, can contain additives which may leave residues and isn't as effective.


Thanks for the info on IPA, it seems to be a different kind of alcohol to what I was thinking of ??? How much easier is it when using this ? does it make a big difference or can I get by without it ? Thanks.




Hi @sarge57

Here's the ifixit iPad Air2 Wi-Fi バッテリーの交換 guide.

This shows what to do and what tools are required. The link to the battery in the guide also gives an option to buy the fix kit which has everything that is necessary to complete the repair.

Note: There are shipping restrictions regarding the battery itself.


スコア 1

41 件のコメント:

Hi Jayeff, thanks, the guide is just what I need, however I'm in Japan and it seems they are not keen on putting these things on aeroplanes. Any idea how I can get one to Japan, and what about the adhesive to put it back together ?



You can still buy the required tools from ifixit, (click on the links in the Tools section of the guide) and also the adhesive strips as well. (allow for shipping charges)

As for the battery, search online for "A1547 battery" (without inverted commas) to hopefully find suppliers that are either in Japan or who will ship it there.


Hi Jayeff, thanks for the link to the adhesive. I have found and ordered a ballery, it seems I will get a set of tools included with it. I'll wait and see how rubbish the tools are before ordering any more, but I'm sure I will still need the iOpener heat sausage. is it possible just to order this by itself ?

The Battery looks like it was made in China, is this somethingI should worry about, or just a fact of life these days ?

thanks, sarge



Here's the ifixit tools catelogue that will help. (scroll down for iOpener)

Most batteries are made in China these days. Sometimes it's pot luck on whether you get a good one or a bad one. If you can source the same manufacturer as the original it should be OK.


OK, I've got a battery, and I've got an ifixit kit, I have located some Isopropyl alcohol, and will be going in as soon as it arrives. But, before I start hacking away, I have a protective cover over the screen. there is some damage and cracking is visible. I have convinced myself that this is only in the protective cover and not in the screen itself (wishful thinking ??). My question is, should I remove the protective cover or leave it on. (better heat penetration vs less support for screen). In either event is it better to tape up the screen (or cover) to (hopefully) prevent any cracks spreading, or does this make it harder to melt the adhesive ?




For Jayeff ~ info

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2 件のコメント:

Hello Jayeff, hope you had a nice new year. I put a comment on my thread for Strongbow to answer at least a month ago, but he has not replied. I know he was having some health issues in the months prior to that so maybe he is not able to get onto the site for a while. Can you help with my enquiry at all or tell me how to make a general enquiry to everyone. I find the messaging system on the site quite confusing.





Happy New Year to you as well ;-)

I'm not all that familiar with Apple gear so the best that I can suggest is to start a new question relating only to the information you need to know rather than it getting "lost" in this thread.

History of the device as to what was done to fix a problem etc can be quite useful but sometimes it can also confuse any new responders if there's too much of it




Hi Strongbow, I saw a reply, but I cant find it now. It said you are having heart troubles, I hope things are not too serious? Hearts are one of the few things harder to repair than an ipad!! Please don't get stressed out by my stupid questions ?? I'll try to include the pic I was talking about, (In some user guides it is a different step number ?? ) I only seem to be able to include a pic if I reply to my own original comment ??? I hope you find this.

Ummmm I can't seem to take a screen print and get it into here ????

If you follow this link it is definitely step 36 in this sequence

iPad Air Wi-Fi Battery Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide

In this pic there are 3 muddy red circles, and one orange one, The little cube of padding (?) is immediately southwest of the orange circle.

I have managed to partly dissolve this padding away with IPA (I think) and wonder if I can get a replacement or pad it out with a bit of sponge or something ??

Thanks for the advice about not touching the touchscreen ??? ermmmmmm might be a bit late, and I think I've got some glue on it which I was thinking of cleaning off with IPA come the big clean up day ??



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