
2018年9月21日に発売されました。モデル番号A2097, A2098、GSM もしくはCDMA / eSIM もしくはナノSIM / 64, 256、512 GB / シルバー、ゴールド、スペースグレイ。(正しい発音は"iPhone 10 S.")

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Phone resets when I hit the back

I got my kids phone she dropped it and the screen was unresponsive so i replaced it with a new premium

Screen and new battery I’m a bit lost as to why it does this hope some one can shed some light

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I'm answering this on the assumption you did the screen and battery replacement yourself. If you took it to a shop you should definitely return there and tell them it has a new problem since the work they did.

Anyway, my first guess would be misplaced screws. Were you diligent in making sure each and every screw you took out went back in exactly the hole it came out of? Long screw damage is a recurring thread for iPhone DIY repairs and occurs when a screw that's too long is inserted over a circuit board or flex cable and ends up drilling into and damaging it.

If that's not the case, then I'd probably look at the connectors next. That will mean opening the phone back up and removing the screen (with the battery unplugged, of course). Take a magnifying glass and a bright light and examine all of the connectors you've unplugged, both on the logic board and the cables themselves. You're looking for bent or missing pins; if you find a bent one you may be able to straighten it with some fine tip tweezers.

Finally, after assuring yourself all the connectors are fine, reconnect them, making sure they are all the way in their sockets, snapped in place. Remember to start the long ones on the ends, not the middle, as that can flex the connector and end up with damaged pins.

Put the covers back in place and reinstall the display. Personally, I'd skip the screen adhesive at this point in case you have to open it up again; if the issues seems to be fixed then you can reopen it and install the adhesive.

Test it out and see if the issue is still there; if it is, come back and tell us what you found and we'll go from there.

Sound like a plan?


スコア 2

4 件のコメント:

Yes I did it my self before I put a new screen in when she dropped it to get the screen digitiser to respond I had to press down on the connector to work but this turning off is new I have looked under a microscope at the connectors and they look good as for long screw I do a drawing and put the screws on the drawing lol knowing her luck she probably damaged the logic board


Welp, sounds like you did everything right then, darn it.

Yeah, you never know exactly what kind of damage gets done when those things get dropped. Hopefully some of the guys on here who do this for a living can toss in their $0.02 worth and give you some more ideas since they'll have seen a lot more dropped phones than I have.


I uploaded a video of what happens it sounds like I’m bashing it but I’m not hitting it hard this iPhone XR don’t have the best camera or microphone https://youtu.be/BJD6EJQxJhU


As well the battery is new and was charged to 30% and when I tap it and it restarts and shows a flat battery for a second I checked it again under a microscope and all looks as it should




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