
A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

171回答 すべてを表示

Computer boots, keyboard and mouse turns on, no display.

I accidentally changed secure boot settings and clicked exit without saving. Now my pc cannot send display. Specs: GTX 1050 Ti Asus Cerebus, Intel i3-10100F, Gigabyte H410M S2 V3, Kingston Fury + Apacer Panther RAM. Corsair CV 500W PSU, Montech Mesh X2 case.

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Disconnect the power to the PSU and then you have 2 choices.

  • Use the CLR-CMOS option to reset the BIOS back to default settings (see p.17 & p.12 of the user manual for details and location of CLR-CMOS jumper on motherboard). Then reconnect the power to the PSU
  • Reset the BIOS by removing the coin cell battery from the motherboard, press and hold the PC Power On button for 30 seconds and then release, reinsert the coin cell battery (usually +ve on top as marked on battery) and then reconnect the power to the PSU


スコア 1


Hi, sorry for the late response. I brought it for repair and it turns out it was a motherboard problem. Thanks for the advice though.




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