
2016年9月16日に発売。モデル番号は1778,1784。 GSM かCDMAの32、128、256GBがあり、色はローズゴールド、ゴールド、シルバー、ブラック、ジェットブラックがあり。

1370回答 すべてを表示

iPhone screws unable to turn, stuck

Hello mr fix it! I cant remove a a few screws? My assumption was that I think I was 1st trying to remove it with the wrong screw driver! Is there a way where I can remove now with the appropriate screw driver

Update (10/28/2022)

Hello I recently wrote to you guys on a issue that I was having. I was unable to remove the screws from the home bottom area. Here is a picture, it’s the two side screws on the left

this is the picture that I was talking about where I was unable to remove my screws

Block Image

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スコア 1

Hi Jay,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with your phone. We'll be glad to do what we can to help, but we'll need some more information.

First of all, which screws are you trying to remove? Are the heads damaged?

Best thing would be if you can take some close up pictures of the screws and add them to your question. This guide will show you how.




1 件の回答


Hi Jay,

Yeah, those screws look pretty gnarly all right. Sounds like a job for iFixit's screw extractor set.

Precision Screw Extractor Set

Those puppies should let you get a grip on those rotten little buggers and give them the old heave ho.

Precision Screw Extractor Setの画像


Precision Screw Extractor Set



スコア 2

2 件のコメント:

If these dont work can I get a refund


@jaynycee You'll have to ask the iFixit staff; I don't work for iFixit, just volunteer my time trying to help people. You can email them at support@ifixit.com and ask.




Jay nice さん、ありがとうございました!

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