
9月20日に発売された、Appleのメインストリームとなる2019年iPhoneモデルには、6.1インチLCDタッチスクリーン、デュアルカメラが搭載されており、6色から選べるカラーセレクションです。iPhone XRの継続モデル。

492回答 すべてを表示

Does the iPhone 11 have different types of screen connectors?

Like seen on other iPhones, does the 11 have different screen connectors? Like with the 12 and 13's LG and Toshiba connectors? Just want to be sure before I order my screen. Also I am noticing that for a used iPhone 11 LCD replacement instead of OLED they are quite a bit cheaper than the LCD replacement of the S20 I did for my mum a little while back. Does the screen for the 11 just go for really cheap?

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I don’t think it has different connectors as on the listings that I looked at they didn’t mention anything about compatibility but that might just vary from seller to seller

As for the price ,the iPhone 11 screen will be cheeper due to it being a LCD

LCDs are usually cheeper than OLEDs so I wouldn’t worry about that too much

Aslong as you get a screen from somewhere reputable like iFixit you should be fine

Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask



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