
Nintendo DSiは任天堂 DSラインの第3番目となるモデルです。2008年後期に日本で発売されました。

265回答 すべてを表示

Why wont my DSi charge?

My DSi still has a little power in it, but whenever i plug my charger in, the LED light doesnt flash on and nor does the icon in the top right corner of the screen indicate that its charging. i tried cleaning the inside of the charging port with isopropyl alcohol but still no. it might just be a small problem with the charger but im not sure.

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1 件の回答

@keithluvsdano open your DSi and then plug your charger in. Use your multimeter and measure on the charging port pin to see if you have any voltage. If you do then you know your charger is okay. The DSi models have issues with bad charging ports. There are also 2 fuses on the board , one of them is charging.So check continuity on F1 and F2. Post some good pictures of YOUR Board with your QUESTION. That way we can see what you see. iFixitでの質問に画像を追加する方法


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