
2017年9月に発売されました。モデル番号はA1863、A1905。GSM もしくはCDMA/容量は64か256GB/ゴールド、シルバーとスペースグレイ

875回答 すべてを表示

iPhone 8 Wi-Fi Diversity Antenna — think I got it connected properly,

I replaced the battery in my iPhone 8 last night and had some difficulty getting the Wi-Fi Diversity Antenna’s connector attached again. I got it in, I think… while I haven’t noticed any problems with Wi-Fi connectivity (or cellular, for that matter) is there any way to know for sure that that particular antenna is working properly? I understand it is actually a second antenna so I’m wondering if I did not, in fact, connect it properly and that I am still achieving connectivity with the first antenna.


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1 件の回答



It’s probably fine if you haven’t noticed any issues but there are some ways to check!

If you open the device again and get a thin tool and just start moving it in different directions (in small amounts)if it stays on it’s good but if it falls off quite easily it wasn’t on probably

Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask



スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Thanks! The connector does seem to be staying on well, but I'm worried I re-seated it slightly incorrectly -- like, it wasn't quite aligned and I unintentally forced it into place. It was very hard to see and hold.

For example of what I mean: a few years ago, I broke an iPhone 7 home button when I wasn't precise in re-seating its connector. I forced the connector into place before it was properly aligned, getting some of the connector's liner into the metal contacts, and the button did not work at all afterwards.

Do you know how the phone connectivity for wi-fi and/or cellular would behave if I had set the connector improperly? Would the phone have little to no connectivity? I have not had issues with wi-fi or cellular connectivity but cellular connectivity seems a little worse than before. That could be for many different, unrelated reasons, though.

Thanks again!



From my experience it a bad WiFi/cellular behaves by causing really bad WiFi/cellular service

Or no connection at all!

If you have any doubt I would try and restart the phone and your WiFi router and see if the issue persists:-)




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