
2017年9月に発売されました。モデル番号はA1863、A1905。GSM もしくはCDMA/容量は64か256GB/ゴールド、シルバーとスペースグレイ

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How can I remove one of the bottom screw if the head has been snapped?

After talking an interesting in repairing my old iPhone 8 I noticed that one of the bottom 2 screws had have the head snapped off of it by a shop that previously repaired the screen about 1 year ago, anything I can personally do to repair it?

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Hi Connor,

That's going to be a bit tricky. The main problem is that you can't open the display without removing the screw, as it has a long shaft on the end that goes through a tab on the screen to secure the screen in place. So in order to get to the screw inside, you have to take the screen off, but you can't take the screen off without removing the screw. Catch-22 if there ever was one.

First option: Destroy the screen. if you force the screen off, which will destroy it in the process, you can then remove the charging port and get to what's left of the screw to remove it. Obviously you'll need a new screen.

Option 2: Drill it out. Assuming you have the good screw out, find a drill that will allow you to drill out the threaded part of the shaft. It needs to be small enough to just barely fit in the good hole with the threads, but it needs to be slightly larger than the diameter of the straight shaft part of the screw so it'll slide out once you have the threads drilled out.

Mark the drill bit the length of the threads and drill to that depth on the broken screw. at that point the shaft should be free inside to hopefully slide out of the hole; if it doesn't you can probably still get the screen off since the screw won't be anchored any longer; it should come out when you take off the screen. If the screen still won't come off, you may have to drill further until it you can remove it.

Assuming you can get it apart, hopefully you'll be able to clean out the threads and be able to reuse the lightning connector; otherwise replacing it should give you a new set of threaded screw holes to secure the display.

On the other hand, if you use good adhesive on the display you can undoubtedly get by fine with only one screw holding the display; there's generally not a lot of stress on those screws, so one will do the job. You might want to put a drop of glue in the empty hole to prevent liquid ingress just in case.

Good luck with your repair, and let us know how it goes!


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